STATEMENT A—Continued.
Shoe Shining and Hat Cleaning Licenses.................
1, 386. 38
1, 386. 38
Soda Water Fountain Licenses...........................
32, 587. 20
32, 587. 20
Stevedore Licenses.......................................
311. 44
311. 44
Storage Warehouse Licenses.............................
4, 729. 37
4, 729. 37
Tong and Scrape Licenses...............................
7, 768. 38
7, 768. 38
Traders' Licenses........................................
418, 865. 76
418, 865. 76
Trading Stamp Licenses.................................
3, 069. 00
3, 069. 00
Typewriting Machine Co. Licenses.......................
89. 10
89. 10
Wholesale Dealers' in Farm Machinery Licenses..........
792. 00
792. 00
Bond Issues.
Construction Loan of 1920...............................
$24, 085. 37
24, 085. 37
Lateral, Post Roads and Bridge Loan of 1922.............
1, 675, 926. 45
1, 675, 926. 45
General Construction Loan of 1922.......................
1, 272, 891. 75
1, 272, 891. 75
Balto. -So. Md. Trunk Line Road Loan of 1922............
251, 597. 25
261, 597. 25
Interest and Penalty.
Interest and Penalty.....................................
63, 754. 05
63, 754. 05
Bank Deposits...........................................
130, 660. 07
130, 660. 07
Bank Deposits of Baltimore City Collector................
1, 042. 50
1, 042. 50
Penalty by Corporations on Report.......................
3, 874. 28
3, 874. 28
Inheritance Taxes.
Collateral Inheritance Tax...............................
447, 363. 94
447, 363. 94
Tax on Commissions of Executors and Administrators....
170, 980. 31
170, 980. 31