STATEMENT A—Continued.
State Board of Labor and Statistics......................
State Department of Health..............................
14, 175. 99
14, 175. 99
State Employment Commission...........................
18. 12
18. 12
State Geological and Economic Survey Commission.......
599. 54
599. 54
State Industrial Accident Commission....................
68, 216. 44
68, 216. 44
State Insurance Department..............................
762, 989. 38
762, 989. 38
State Library............................................
163. 89
163. 89
State Tax Commission...................................
1, 379. 07
1, 379. 07
State Tobacco Inspector.................................
114, 594. 73
114, 594. 73
State Treasurer's Office..................................
17. 92
17. 92
University of Maryland...................................
4, 784, 49
4, 784. 49
Civil Commissions Tax...................................
2, 923. 18
2, 923. 18
Conscience Fund.........................................
6. 26
6. 26
Crab Fines...............................................
219. 00
219. 00
Fish Fines...............................................
23. 75
23. 75
Excess of Fees of Office.................................
249, 295. 67
249, 295. 67
Fees to Revive Forfeited Charters.......................
75. 00
75. 00
Fees, Pines, Forfeitures, Etc..............................
68, 882. 03
68, 882. 03
Northern Central Railway Company......................
90, 000. 00
90, 000. 00
Oyster Pines.............................................
2, 449. 10
2, 449. 10
Recording Fees..........................................
15, 436. 99
15, 436. 99
Rent of State Wharves...................................
2, 000. 00
2, 000. 00
Sale of Laws of Maryland...............................
57. 26
57. 26
Sinking Fund, Redemption of Investments................
964, 000. 00
964, 000. 00
Sinking Funds, Interest on Investments..................
406, 773. 31
406, 773. 31