WHEREAS, The Senate of Maryland recognizes that the de-
velopment of the trade and commerce from the ports of this
State is vital, to the continued welfare and prosperity of the
people of the State; and
WHEREAS, It is the sense of this body that it should take all
appropriate action in furtherance of the increase of shipping
and trade to the ports of the State, and it is advised that it is
the present intention of the United States Shipping Board to
consolidate its lines operating from the North Atlantic Seaboard
to the United Kingdom and Ireland in the hands of an oper-
ator operating from one of the ports of the North Atlantic
Range; and
WHEREAS, This body is of the opinion that the Port of
Baltimore, being one of the major ports of the Atlantic Sea-
board, offers the essential equipment and terminal facilities
for the expeditious handling of the trade and commerce from
this coast to the United Kingdom and Ireland, not only
through its present facilities, but through increased facilities
and port terminals, to be constructed as the trade and traffic
of the port may develop, as provided by an Act of the last
General Assembly of Maryland, authorizing the City of Balti-
more to expend $52, 500, 000 for the development of such facili-
ties. Now, therefore,
Be it resolved by the Senate of Maryland, That it respect-
fully petition the United States Shipping Board to place the
operation of its lines from the North Atlantic Range to the
United Kingdom and Ireland in the hands of an operator
operating out of the Port of Baltimore; and
Resolved further, That it is the belief of this body that in
so doing the United States Shipping Board will be promoting
the development of the nation's commerce along lines of healthy
and efficient development; and
Resolved further, That copies of this resolution be forwarded
to the Chairman and Members of the United States Shipping
Board and to the Senators and Representatives of Maryland
in the Congress of the United States.
Approved April 9, 1924.