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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1528   View pdf image (33K)
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NO. 23.

Relating to international relations.

WHEREAS, The World's War has brought the United States
of America into closer contact with the various nations of the
world; and

WHEREAS, The results of that war have made it imperative
that the people of our country study assiduously questions con-
cerning our relations with the other nations of the world, and
have made necessary that, upon a definite opinion in the mat-
ter being reached, these United States pursue the policy which
our judgment points out as being wise and desirable; and

WHEREAS, The Honorable Edward W. Bok of Philadelphia
has endeavored in a most painstaking, energetic and praise-
worthy manner, through the offer of liberal prizes and by other
methods to focus the attention of the people of this country on
the subject of our international relations; therefore, be it

Resolved, That the General Assembly of Maryland, without
indicating any opinion as to the merits of the plan selected by
the Bok Committee as a basis for international relations, views
with gratification the efforts of the said Edward W. Bok to
obtain the judgment of the people of our country on this sub-
ject, and, believing that the proper solution of the problems
involved is of vital importance to the happiness and well-being
of our country, hereby expresses its approval of the emphasis
which he has endeavored to place upon this question: and be
it further

Resolved, That the Secretary of State of Maryland be and
he is hereby requested to transmit under the Great Seal of this
State a copy of the aforegoing Resolution, to the Secretary of
State of these United States and to the Honorable Edward W.
Bok of Philadelphia.

Approved April 9, 1924.

NO. 24.

A JOINT RESOLUTION requesting the Congress of the United
States to enact suitable legislation to prohibit the pollution
of navigable waters situated in the State of Maryland.

WHEREAS, Since the introduction of oil burning ships, the
navigable waters of the United States and more particularly


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1528   View pdf image (33K)
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