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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1527   View pdf image (33K)
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tial in the preparation and carrying out of a fitting and ade-
quate plan for this commemoration.

SEC. 4. Vacancies in the Commission shall be filled in
harmony with the provisions of this Act.

SEC. 5. This act shall take effect June 1. 1924.
Approved April 9, 1924.

NO. 22.

Requesting Congress to modify the Immigration Laws.

WHEREAS., Emergencies arise in regard to the employment
of labor on farms; and

WHEREAS, The present Immigration Laws make it very
difficult to secure immigrants who are experienced in agricul-
tural labor; therefore, be it

the Congress of the United States be and it is hereby requested
and urged to amend the Immigration Laws by exempting ex-
perienced agricultural workers from the contract labor pro-
visions of the law so as to permit the bringing in of experi-
enced agricultural laborers in case of emergencies in the farm
labor situation, such emergency or emergencies to be determ-
ined by the United States Secretary of Labor; any workers
who are brought in under the above-mentioned conditions to
be in addition to the quota allowed for such country or coun-
tries and to be allowed to come in such number or numbers as
said Secretary of Labor shall designate; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the Representatives from the State of Mary-
land in the Senate and House of Representatives of the United
States be and they are hereby requested to co-operate to the
fullest extent in having the Immigration Laws amended as
above suggested; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the State of Maryland be
and he is hereby requested to transmit under the Great Seal
of the State a copy of this Resolution to the Secretary of the
Department of Labor, the President of the United States Sen-
ate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and to each
of the Representatives from Maryland in the Senate and House
of Representatives of the United States.

Approved April 9, 1924.


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1527   View pdf image (33K)
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