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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1526   View pdf image (33K)
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by no means too long for the completion and carrying out of
plans; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the people of the State of Maryland, repre-
sented in the Senate and House of Delegates, do enact as fol-

SECTION 1. Resolved by the Senate and the House of Dele-
gates of the State of Maryland, That a State Commission is
hereby created, to consist of fifteen members, of whom three
ex officio members shall be the Governor of the State of Mary-
land, the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the
House of Delegates; and of whom six shall be appointed by
the Governor, three by the President of the Senate, and three

by the Speaker of the House of Delegates, to act for the State
in connection with the celebration in the year 1932, in the
State of Maryland, and elsewhere in the United States, and
by the nation as a whole, of the bi-centennial of the birth of
George Washington, who led the American people through a
successful revolution, who presided at the convention which
gave to the Republic its constitution, who was the nation's
first President, and who died and has since lived as first in
war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen;
the Commission so created to act with any Commission cre-
ated under the Act of the Congress, and with such other Com-
missions as may hereafter be established under the authority
of the respective States, and with the civil, national commit-
tee established by the Sulgrave Institution, and with such
other civic bodies whose activities may relate to such a signal-
izing of this eventful anniversary.

SEC. 2. Such Commission shall continue for a period of
one year after the expiration of the celebration, on Decem-
ber 31. 1932, and shall file its annual report within a period
of ninety days after the final event of the celebration.

SEC. 3. Such Commission shall represent the State of
Maryland in respect to the formulation of a plan or plans of
celebration, in association with other Commissions and com-
mittees as referred to in Section 1 of this Act; and shall par-
ticipate in the carrying out of the program so arranged; and
and with the President of the Senate, and with the Speaker of
the House of Delegates, for submission to their respective
bodies; and to make therein such recommendations to be acted
upon by the ensuing Administration and General Assembly of
the State of Maryland, as may be deemed advisable and essen-


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1526   View pdf image (33K)
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