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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1515   View pdf image (33K)
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Resolved, That wherever in the State budget appropriations
are made for improvements, and such improvements are in ex-
cess of the general growth of the public and the State as a
whole, such appropriations should be cut from the budget. The
taxpayer is demanding a reduction of taxes, and the only way
it can be done is to cut down expenditures; and be it further

Resolved, That all committees be requested to discourage
the creation of New Boards and offices, or any increase in the
personnel of existing Boards and offices; and be it further

Resolved, That the Chairman of all Committees be requested
to pass upon as rapidly as possible all bills coming before their
Committees, giving all questions due consideration, so that the
General Assembly can keep up with its duties, and pass all
legislation in an intelligent manner, so when it comes to the
closing days of the Legislature that all Bills will have had
careful consideration, and be it further

Resolved, That all members who have any Bills to introduce,
or know of any Bills to be introduced that will increase the
Budget, or tend to increase the State tax rate or increase the
State's indebtedness, to introduce them promptly, so that they
may be carefully considered and disposed of in a proper man-

Approved April 9, 1924.

NO. 8.

Authorizing and directing the Governor of Maryland to ap-
point a commission of twenty-one persons to consider legis-
lation concerning the welfare of colored people residing in
the State of Maryland, and requiring said Commission to
report to the Governor and the General Assembly in 1927.

WHEREAS, A petition signed by numerous colored citizens of
Maryland has been filed with the Governor and members of the
General Assembly requesting that a committee of white and
colored citizens be appointed to consider questions of housing,
improvement of farm life, educational betterment, the adminis-
tration of the Cheltenham institution, general health, repre-
sentation on police force, transportation regulations and other
matters relative to colored citizens of Maryland and to make
such recommendations as such commission may feel justified
for the good of all; therefore, be it


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1515   View pdf image (33K)
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