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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1514   View pdf image (33K)
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desirable that the number of midshipmen at the Naval Acad-
emy should not be reduced; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the Senators and Representatives of Mary-
land in the Congress of the United States be and they are
hereby requested to support and use all means in their power
deemed by them expedient and proper to prevent any reduc-
tion in the number of midshipmen annually appointed to the
Naval Academy.

RESOLVED, Further, that the Secretary of State be and he
is hereby requested to immediately transmit under the Great
Seal of the State of Maryland, a copy of the aforegoing reso-
lution to each of the Senators and Representatives now in
Congress of the United States from the State of Maryland.

Approved April 9, 1924.

NO. 7.

Relating to Retrenchment of Expenses of State Government

WHEREAS, There is a strong sentiment in our State, as well
as in every other State in the Union, for a general and sub-
stantial reduction in taxes, both state and federal; and

WHEREAS, During the world war there developed an unavoid-
able condition of high prices, large expenditures and extrava-
gances, both private and public; and

WHEREAS, The business men of the State are seeking to
establish a normal condition, whereby business can be con-
ducted with reduced expenditures and small profits, thus en-
abling them to give to the consuming public one hundred cents
worth for a dollar, which the public demands, and should be
speedily brought about, or the business enterprises of the coun-
try will be brought to a comparative standstill, which will
bring disaster and suffering to many classes of deserving
people; therefore be it

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That no
salaries be raised in the present budget over the 1923 salary
list, and in cases where such requests are made they should be
thoroughly investigated; and if these salaries are in keeping
with salaries of like responsibilities in other public positions
or in private business, they should not be raised; and be it


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1514   View pdf image (33K)
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