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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1513   View pdf image (33K)
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WHEREAS, Our citizens are deeply interested in this project
and ever have been anxious that the sacred spot should be pre-
served as a hallowed shrine, as witness the joint resolution
passed at the last Session of the Legislature of this State; be it

Resolved, That we, the Senate of the State of Maryland, and
the House of Delegates of the State of Maryland, in joint ses-
sion, earnestly request the Congress of the United States to
enact the said bill into law, thereby declaring in the name of
the people of the United States, that this sacred ground shall
be restored to its historical condition as preserved, by the Gov-
ernment it saved in 1814, as a National Memorial to the
patriots of our Country for all time.

Approved April 9, 1924.

NO. 6.

A Joint Resolution requesting the Senators and Representa-
tives in Congress from Maryland to endeavor to have the
present number of midshipmen at the Naval Academy con-

WHEREAS, The General Assembly of Maryland has learned
that it is now proposed to greatly reduce the number of mid-
shipmen annually admitted to the United States Naval Acad-
emy; and

WHEREAS, There are now splendid facilities at the Naval
Academy for housing and teaching the number of midship-
men now annually appointed, the buildings having been en-
larged for that purpose at considerable cost, and a corps of
instructors at the Academy adequate to teach them; and

WHEREAS, It is now fully recognized that in the event of an
emergency officers for the Naval Forces cannot be quickly and
efficiently trained in a short time; and

WHEREAS, This General Assembly is of the opinion, even if
many of the graduates of the Naval Academy are, after gradu-
ation, returned to civil life, the careful, efficient training they
receive, together with the opportunity they have to visit foreign
countries and many places in the United States while being;
so trained, would annually make a valuable addition to our
young citizenship; together with the fact that when needed
they could be immediately recalled for duty, makes it very


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1513   View pdf image (33K)
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