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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1510   View pdf image (33K)
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Potomac River at White's Ferry to connect Montgomery Coun-
ty, Maryland, with Loudoun County, Virginia; and

WHEREAS, The erection of such a bridge will be greatly to
the advantage of the citizens of both States and the cost there-
for should be borne by each State equally; therefore, be it

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That a com-
mittee of three be appointed by the Governor of Maryland who
may confer with such committee as may be appointed on the
part of Virginia on the advisability and feasibility and the ap-
proximate cost of the erection and construction of a suitable
bridge from White's Ferry aforesaid across the Potomac River
to Loudoun County aforesaid, and the part each State should
pay for the cost thereof, and the manner in which the cost
therefor shall be raised and whether or not a toll should be
charged for the use of said bridge, and, if so, the amount and
manner and method of the collection of such toll and the joint
legislation necessary for said purposes; and be it further

Resolved, That the said committee, upon the completion of
the investigation and conference aforesaid, shall report in writ-
ing the results thereof, together with their own conclusion to
the next General Assembly of Maryland for its action in the

Approved February 26, 1924.

NO. 3.

Joint Resolution and Memorial of the General Assembly of
Maryland to the Representatives of the State of Maryland
in the United States Senate and in the House of Representa-
tives in Congress assembled, requesting them to use their
best efforts with the Secretary of Agriculture to change the
name now applied to wheat grown in the State of Maryland
and adjacent States, and, failing in same, to endeavor to en-
act in their respective Houses legislation to procure such

WHEREAS, Standards for the various grades of grain have
been adopted and made applicable to all grain entering into
interstate commerce;

WHEREAS, In determining said grades they have been di-
vided as to wheat into certain classes or sub-divisions and
names have been given to said sub-divisions; and


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1510   View pdf image (33K)
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