NO. 1.
Joint Resolution extending the term of service of the Hon-
orable Charles W. Heuisler as an Associate Judge of the
Supreme Bench of Baltimore City.
WHEREAS, The Honorable Charles W. Heuisler was elected
an Associate Judge of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City
on the second day of November, nineteen hundred and nine;
WHEREAS, He is now discharging the duties of the said
office, but will on the eleventh day of January, nineteen hun-
dred and twenty-four, attain the age of seventy years, Now,
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Honorable Charles W. Heuisler be and he is hereby con-
tinued in office as an Associate Judge of the Supreme Bench
of Baltimore City until the expiration of the full term for
which he was elected.
Approved February 4, 1924.
NO. 2.
Joint Resolution providing for the appointment of a commit-
tee to meet a like committee from the State of Virginia to
investigate and report upon the advisability and feasibility
and approximate cost of the erection and construction of a
suitable bridge at White's Ferry, Montgomery County,
Maryland, across the Potomac River to Loudoun County,
Virginia, with the view of each State paying half the ex-
pense thereof and upon any joint legislation that may be nec-
essary or proper for said purpose.
WHEREAS, The General Assembly of Maryland is informed
that a committee on the part, of the State of Virginia will be
appointed to confer with a similar committee from the State
of Maryland, for the purpose of securing certain information
as to the advisability and feasibility and approximate cost of
the erection and construction of a suitable bridge across the