WHEREAS, Most of the wheat grown in the States of Mary-
land, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Delaware contains a limited
amount of garlic bulblets, as a result of which the name of
No. 2 Red Garlicky has been given to said wheat; and
WHEREAS, Said name of No. 2 Red Garlicky has very ad-
versely affected the value of and sale for said wheat and has
resulted in its selling at a material discount under the price
obtained for other sub-divisions of wheat; therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Senators and Representatives of Maryland in Congress of the
United States be and they are hereby requested to do all in
their power to change said name of said wheat from No. 2
Red Garlicky to No. 2 Red Eastern, thereby designating the
section of the country in which said wheat is grown rather than
calling attention to the fact that said wheat contains a limited
amount of garlic bulblets.
And that the said Senators and Representatives of Mary-
land in Congress use their best efforts to obtain such change
through proper presentation of same to the Secretary of Ag-
riculture, and in case they fail in securing relief from him
then before their respective Houses; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of the State of Maryland be
and he is hereby requested to immediately transmit, under the
Great Seal of this State, a copy of the aforegoing resolutions
and memorial to each of the Senators and Representatives now
in the Congress of the United States from the State of Mary-
Approved April 9, 1924.
NO. 4.
Recommending to the Congress of the United States that ap-
propriate action be taken to make the "Star Spangled Ban-
ner" the National Anthem of the United States.
WHEREAS, The "Star Spangled Banner" is universally rec-
ognized by tradition and by custom as the National Anthem
of the United States; and
WHEREAS, The American Legion, representing the thought
not only of the men who served in the World War but also of
the many other patriotic organizations and of the great ma-