Local Laws of Maryland (Revised Edition of 1915), title
"City of Baltimore, " sub-title "Courts, " as said section was
enacted by Chapter 120 of the ACTS of 1920, be and it is hereby
repealed and re-enacted with amendments, to read as follows:
381 A. The Judges of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore
City are authorized and empowered to appoint such qualified
physician or physicians as they may deem proper to make
medical examinations and to render medical service and
advice in connection with prosecutions and trials in the Crim-
inal Courts of Baltimore City, and for the purpose of compen-
sating such physician or physicians as they may so appoint, as
well as for the payment of such expenses as may be necessary
in connection with said work, the said Judges of the Supreme
Bench may expend annually such amount as, in their judg-
ment, may be necessary, not exceeding however, the sum of
eight thousand dollars; and the chief clerk of the Su-
preme Bench shall, at the beginning of each month, certify
to the Mayor and the Register of Baltimore City the amount
due for said purposes during the preceding month, and the
same shall thereupon be paid by the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore. Three thousand dollars of the amount hereby
authorized to be expended, or so much thereof as shall be
deemed necessary by the Judges of the Supreme Bench, may
be spent by the said Judges for the medical examinations of
the sexual organs of females in cases where it is necessary that
such examinations be made.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1924.
Approved April 9, 1924