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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1362   View pdf image (33K)
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Street, adjoining St. Paul's Graveyard, said deed being from
Charles R. Hoffman on or about June 13th, 1919.

D To a bequest of Two hundred and fifty dollars ($250, )
in the will of the late Ellen S. Brown, of Baltimore City, be-
queathed in 1917.

E To the bequest under the will of the late C. Rosalie Mor-
ris, of Baltimore City, bequeathed in 1919.

F To the two bequests of One thousand dollars ($1, 000)
each, of the late Anne Perine of Baltimore City, bequeathed
in 1919.

G To the bequest of Five thousand dollars ($5, 000) of the
late Rose Gregg, of Baltimore City, bequeathed in 1919.

H To the bequest of Three thousand dollars ($3, 000) of the
late Rebecca Williams Howard, of Baltimore City, bequeathed
in 1919.

I To the bequest of One thousand dollars ($1, 000) of the
late Charlotte R. Smith, of Baltimore City, bequeathed in 1920.

J To the bequest of the late Elizabeth H. Burns, of Balti-
more City, of One thousand dollars ($1, 000) bequeathed in

K To the bequest of One thousand dollars ($1, 000. ) of the
late Evelyn W. Pleasants, of Baltimore City, bequeathed in
1901, and payable after the death of the life tenant in 1922.

L To the bequest of One thousand dollars ($1, 000) of the
late James B. Greene, of Frederick County, the Safe Deposit
and Trust Co., Executor, bequeathed in 1923.

18 To a deed and conveyance of a lot of ground from
Rachel S. J. Randolph to the Third English Evangelical Lu-
theran Church of Baltimore, dated January 23, 1923, and
recorded among the land records of Baltimore City in Liber
SCL No. 3964, folio 630.

19 To a deed and conveyance of a lot of ground from
Sadie R. Welsh to the Third English Evangelical Lutheran
Church of Baltimore, dated October 15th, 1923, and recorded
among the land records of Baltimore City, in Liber SCL No.
4092, folio 160.

20 To a deed and conveyance of a lot of ground from Henry
C. Shirley and wife to the Baltimore City Protestant Episco-


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1362   View pdf image (33K)
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