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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1363   View pdf image (33K)
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pal Missionary Committee, a corporation, dated July 19th,
1919, and recorded among the land records of Baltimore City
in Liber SCL, No. 3412, folio 301.

21 To a deed and conveyance of a lot of ground from
The Lutheran Church Extension Society, of Baltimore City, To
the Evangelical Lutheran Church of The Ascension of The
United Lutheran Church in America, of Baltimore City, dated
October 27th, 1923, and recorded among the land records of
Baltimore City, in Liber SCL, No. 4130, folio 92, from the Lu-
theran Church Extension Society of Baltimore City.

22 To a deed and conveyance from James B. Walters, widow-
er, to the General Conference Corporation of Seventh-Day Ad-
ventists, to lots numbered eighteen, nineteen, and twenty in block
numbered fifty-nine of the B. F. Gilbert Addition to Tokoma
Park, and recorded among the land records of Montgomery
County, Maryland in Liber 318, at folio 464.

23 To a deed and conveyance from Xema Rhea Hannah
and George C. Hannah, her husband, to the General Confer-
ence Corporation of Seventh Day Adventists, to lots numbered
thirteen and twenty-two in block fifty-nine, of the B. F. Gil-
bert Addition to Takoma Park, and recorded among the land
records of Montgomery County Maryland, in Liber 322, at
folio 67.

24 To a deed and conveyance from Jennie Cross, a widow,
to the General Conference Corporation of Seventh Day Ad-
ventists conveying eight-tenths of an acre in Takoma Park,
Montgomery County, Md., as per deed recorded among the
land records of Montgomery County Maryland, in Liber 320,
folio 493.

25 To a deed and conveyance from Roy Leslie Powelson et
ux, to the General Conference Corporation of Seventh Day
Adventists, conveying the rear forty-five feet of lot six, block
fifty-three, Gilbert Addition to Takoma Park, as per deed re-
corded among the land records of Montgomery County, Md.,

in Liber 334, folio 104.

26 To a deed and conveyance from Harry W. Miller et ux

to the General Conference Corporation of Seventh Day Ad-
ventists conveying the rear forty-five feet of lot numbered five,
block numbered fifty-three, of the Gilbert Addition to Takoma
Park, as per deed recorded among the land records of Mont-
gomery County, Md., in Liber 332, at folio 387.


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1363   View pdf image (33K)
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