(47) To the sale and conveyance to the Oheb Shalom Con-
gregation of Baltimore City, a body corporate, of two lots of
ground in Baltimore City which front on the northeast side of
Eutaw Place, the first beginning on said northeast side of
Eutaw Place ninety-six feet northwesterly from the northwest
side of Lanvale Street, extending thence northwesterly twenty-
four feet with even width for depth of one hundred and thirty
feet to Jordan Alley, and the second beginning on said north-
east side of Eutaw Place one hundred and twenty feet north-
westerly from the northwest side of Lanvale Street, extending
thence northwesterly twenty-five feet with even width for depth
of one hundred and thirty feet to Jordan Alley; which said
lots of ground were conveyed to said Oheb Shalom Congrega-
tion by Rebecca E. Waring et al., by deed dated May 11th,
1916, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City
in Liber S. C. L. No. 3049, folio 391, etc.
(48) To the following legacies to the following religious
organizations, contained in the will of Herman B. L. Everding,
deceased, late of Baltimore City:
(a) To the Trustees of the Zion Church of Baltimore City
the sum of two thousand dollars ($2. 000);
(b) To the Govanstown Methodist Episcopal Church of
Baltimore County, the sum of five hundred dollars ($500);
(c) To the Church of the Redeemer the sum of five hun-
dred dollars ($500);
(d) To Lutheran Church of the Holy Comforter the sum
of five hundred dollars ($500);
(e) To Gregory Memorial Baptist Church of Baltimore
County the sum of five hundred dollars ($500);
(f) To Govanstown Presbyterian Congregation in the
County of Baltimore the sum of fifty dollars ($50).
(49) To the bequest of $200. 00 from Mabel Shaw, late of
Rockville, Maryland, deceased, to the Baptist Home of Mary-
land, Incorporated.
(50) To the bequest of $1, 064. 69 and the devise of a
ground rent under 2103 Dukeland Street, and a ground rent
under 3700 Edgerton Road, Baltimore, Maryland, from Lola
V. Jones, late of Baltimore City, deceased, to the Baptist Home
of Maryland, Incorporated.