29, 1922, in the Register of Wills Office of Carroll County in
W. O. 12, folio 477.
(12) To the bequest contained in the last will and testa-
ment of Hannah A. Ashton, late of Baltimore City, deceased,
of $1, 165. 61 to the Vestry of Rock Spring Church of Harford
County; the said will being recorded May 24, 1923, in the
office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore City in Liber E. R.
D. No. 145, folio 44.
(13) To the bequest contained in the last will and testa-
ment of Herman Wagner, late of Baltimore City, deceased, to
the Vestry of St. Luke's Protestant Episcopal Church of Bal-
timore, Maryland, of the sum of $500, said will being recorded
in the office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore City in
Liber H. W. J. No. 136, folio 67.
(14) To the bequests contained in the last will and testa-
ment of Alfred Oughton Whitehorne, late of Baltimore City,
deceased, said will being recorded in the office of the Register
of Wills of Baltimore City in "Wills, " Liber H. W. J. No.
141, folio 559, namely:
(a) Bequest of 8 shares International Permanent Build-
ing and Loan Association of Baltimore City stock or funds
enough to produce income of $60 a year to the Vestry of St.
Luke's Church of Baltimore City:
(b) Bequest of 2 shares International Permanent Build-
ing and Loan Association of Baltimore City stock to the Altar
Society of St. Luke's Church;
(c) Bequest of $50 to the Woman's Auxiliary of the Board
of Missions of St. Luke's Church:
(d) Bequest of the residue of the estate of said deceased to
St. Luke's Church to be applied to the Endowment.
(15) To the deed and conveyance from Laura A. Wolf to
the Vestry of St. Luke's Church, dated February 19, 1917, and
recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber
S. C. L. No. 3109, folio 593, conveying property east side of
Stricker Street, 30 feet north of Mulberry Street.
(16) To the deed and conveyance from Margaret D. Truitt
and G. E. Purnell Truitt, her husband, to the Vestry of St.
Luke's Protestant Episcopal Church of Baltimore City, dated
January 23, 1923, and recorded among the Land Records of
Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. 3962, folio 123, conveying