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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1250   View pdf image (33K)
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Commissioners shall also advertise the bonds hereinafter au-
thorized for sale and at such time shall designate the date of
issue of the bonds and the date of maturity.

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That said Board of
County Commissioners are hereby authorized for the purpose
of this Act to issue and sell bonds under the corporate seal
of said Board of County Commissioners to be signed by the
President and countersigned by the Clerk thereof and to the
amount of fifty thousand ($50, 000. 00) dollars; said bonds shall
be of such denominations as shall seem most advisable to said
Board of County Commissioners and shall bear interest from
the date of issue, payable semi-annually at a rate not exceeding
five per centum per annum to be determined by said Board of
County Commissioners; said bonds shall have printed upon
them a distinct reference to the Act directing their issuance and
shall be designated as "Allegany County Court House Bond
Issue of Nineteen Hundred (year of issuance to be determined
by Board of County Commissioners)" and said bonds shall be
exempt from municipal and county taxes in Allegany County.

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That said bonds shall be
so issued that a series of said bonds to the amount of ten thou-
sand ($10, 000. 00) dollars shall mature and become payable
seven years from the date of issuance and a like series of said
bonds to the amount of ten thousand ($10, 000. 00) dollars shall
mature and become payable at the end of each year thereafter,
so that the last series of said bonds shall become due and
payable eleven years from the date of maturity; said bonds
shall have attached thereto a proper coupon for the interest on
said bonds falling due semi-annually in each year from the date
of issue; and said bonds shall be sold after advertisement herein
provided for, by said County Commissioners to the highest
bidder or bidders, provided that none of said bonds shall be
sold for less than par.

SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That upon the issuance
of said bonds the said Board of County Commissioners of
Allegany County shall thereafter annually cause to be levied
and collected, from the assessable property in Allegany County,
a tax which shall be sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds
and to redeem said bonds as they shall mature under the provi-
sions of this Act; said tax shall be collected in like manner as
other taxes of said County are collected and when collected
shall only apply to the payment of interest on said bonds and to
their redemption.


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1250   View pdf image (33K)
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