of Catonsville in the First Election District of Baltimore Coun-
ty described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the
south side of the old Frederick Road and the westerly boundary
of Baltimore City and running thence westerly on the south
side of old Frederick Road to the east side of the Rolling Road,
thence southerly on the east side of Rolling Road to the inter-
section of the east side of Rolling Road and north side of
Frederick Road, thence due south to a point where the last
mentioned line would intersect an extension due west from the
present terminus of Wilkins Avenue, thence easterly along said
extension and along the north side of Wilkins Avenue to the
intersection of said north side of Wilkins Avenue with the
westerly boundary of Baltimore City, thence northerly along
said westerly boundary of Baltimore City to the place of be-
ginning; in any case where no petition has been filed by prop-
erty owners for the erection of a sidewalk as provided for in
Sections 565, 566, 567 and 568, when in their judgment the
public safety or convenience requires. In such case where
the Commissioners do initiate such, proceedings, they shall
proceed to erect such improved sidewalk, after giving ten days'
notice, in writing by registered letter to the property owners
affected, granting them a hearing, if they so request, and at
the expiration of said ten days, if no hearing is requested, or if
after hearing the objections thereto are overruled; provided,
however, that there shall be an appeal to the Circuit Court for
Baltimore County, within 10 days, from any decision of the
Commissioners after hearing said objections. The material,
thickness, width and grade of such sidewalk to be specified by
the Roads Engineer of Baltimore County, and the Commis-
sioners shall charge the cost of the same as a lien on the prop-
erty fronting or binding on either or both sides of the street,
avenue or road, as may seem to them reasonable and proper
within the metes and bounds specified in said notice, and the
cost of the work shall be collected as taxes are now collected.
This section shall not prevent property owners from petitioning:
for sidewalks as provided in the preceding sections, when they
desire so to do.
Approved April 9, 1924.
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 4 of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland (Revised Edition of 1915), title
"City of Baltimore, " sub-title "Police Commissioner, " said
new section to be known as Section 764A and to follow imme-