provements. If a majority of the owners abutting the pro-
posed improvements, and chargeable with the cost thereof,
shall, within the time above specified, file with the Mayor and
Common Council a petition in writing, signed by said major-
ity of owners, asking that the proposed improvements be made
by contract, said improvements shall be made by contract.
Sub-Section 18D. The Mayor and Common Council are
hereby authorized to make such sidewalks, curbs, gutters, road-
bed and street improvements except in those cases where the
majority of the owners abutting the proposed improvement
have so requested, as herein provided, that said improvements
be made by contract, either by doing the work themselves with-
out letting bids, or by contracting for the same. Where work
is done under contract the Mayor and Common Council shall
invite proposals for said work by advertisement of two weeks
in some newspaper having general circulation in Brentwood,
at such reasonable compensation as the Mayor and Common
Council shall determine, and the said Mayor and Common
Council shall, in all cases, award the contract for such work to
the lowest bidders therefor, reserving at all times the right to
reject any and all bids received. All contractors for such street
improvements shall give bond in such sum as the Mayor and
Common Council shall require, with sufficient sureties, to be
approved by the Mayor and Common Council for the faithful
performance of their contract. The Mayor and Common
Council shall be empowered to employ a competent engineer
at such compensation as may be determined by them in carry-
ing out the objects and purposes of this Act.
Sub-Section 18E. No public franchise of any kind shall
be leased or alienated except pursuant to a vote of the voters
of the town, had after ten days' notice and upon such regu-
lation as the Mayor and Common Council shall prescribe, and
the person, persons or corporation seeking a franchise shall
defray all cost of holding an election. Any franchise granted
under the authority of this Sub-Section shall not exceed in
duration twenty years.
This Act shall not become effective unless at a special elec-
tion to be held in the town of Brentwood on the second Mon-
day in the month of May, 1924, which election shall be con-
ducted in all respects as regular elections in the Town of
Brentwood are conducted, there shall be cast a majority of
votes in favor of the amendment to the town charter as pro-
vided in this Act, and that at said election the question of the