ments, which last said funds shall be kept as a separate account
and fund, and no part thereof shall ever be used for any other
purpose than to liquidate the certificates of indebtedness, and
interest thereon, issued for sidewalks, curbs, gutters and road-
bed and street improvements, which certificates when paid shall
be cancelled and in addition to being properly kept and filed
among the papers of said town, a copy of which certificates
thus cancelled shall be entered upon a separate book kept for
the purpose aforesaid; and should the Treasurer of said town
ever divert the use of any of said sidewalks or street improve-
ment fund, he shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than
$1, 000 or imprisoned for a term not exceeding two years, or by
both fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court.
Sub-Section 18C. When the Mayor and Common Council
shall have determined to make sidewalks, curb, gutter or road-
bed and street improvements or all or any in any street in said
town, they shall thereupon notify, as far as practicable, each
property owner upon said street proposed to be improved, by
depositing said notice in the United States Post Office ad-
dressed to such owners' last known address, setting forth that
on a certain day to be named therein, the Mayor and Common
Council will meet to determine the character and kind of curb,
gutter or roadbed and street improvement, or any or all, to be
laid, and notifying said owner to appear at said meeting, and
express his views upon the question, if he so desire; at said
meeting the Mayor and Common Council shall hear any sug-
gestions of said abutting owners, and immediately thereafter
they shall determine the character and kind of work to be done,
which said determination shall be made known by publication
in the next succeeding issue of one or more of the papers hav-
ing general circulation within the town of Brentwood, and
shall be final and conclusive as to the kind and character of the
street improvements, unless a majority of the owners abutting
the proposed improvements, and chargeable with the cost
thereof shall, in one week from said publication, file with the
Mayor and Common Council a petition in writing signed by
said majority of owners, asking for a different kind of side-
walk, curb, gutter and street improvement, or any of them, in
which event, the Mayor and Common Council shall forthwith
adopt the sidewalk, curb, gutter or street improvement, or all.
in said petition requested, instead of the one theretofore se-
lected by them and thereafter, as soon as practicable, begin,
and with all possible expedition complete, said proposed im-