approval or disapproval of the provisions of this Act shall be
submitted to the qualified voters of the said town of Brent-
wood, as follows, namely: That on the ballots provided by
the Mayor and Council of Brentwood at said election there
shall be printed the words, "For Amended Charter, " and
"Against Amended Charter, " with a square after said words,
in each case, for the (X) mark of the voter, and the voter
may vote thereon by an (X) mark after his choice, and if
there be a majority of votes cast in favor of the amended
charter, then this Act and the provisions thereof shall go into
effect immediately; and if there be a majority of votes cast
against the amended charter, then this Act shall be null and
void, except as hereinafter provided.
All ordinances of the Mayor and Council of Brentwood now
in force and not inconsistent with this Act shall be and they
are hereby continued in force until changed or repealed, re-
spectively, by the Mayor and Council of Brentwood or by the
General Assembly of Maryland. All officers provided for or
named in the Charter of Brentwood as it now stands before
the passage of this Act, whether by election or appointment,
shall continue to hold their respective offices and exercise and
discharge the duties and functions of their respective offices
until their successors, respectively, are duly qualified, and
nothing in this Act shall be construed to affect the continuity
of such offices nor the tenure of the officers.
In the event that a majority of votes cast at the special elec-
tion as provided for in this Act shall the against the charter
amendments, then the Mayor and Council of Brentwood shall
submit the amendments herein proposed in the same manner
and under the authority of this Act at the general town elec-
tion held in said town in July, 1925, in the same manner and
method as hereinbefore provided.
Approved April 9; 1924.
AN ACT to repeal Section 594 of Offutt's Code of Public Local
Laws of Baltimore County, Edition of 1916, as the same
was enacted by Chapter 380 of the Acts of the General
Assembly of the year 1922, and to repeal and re-enact with
amendments Section 588 of said Offutt's Code as the same
was enacted by Chapter S3 of the Acts of the General