mined by the Mayor and Council, of brick, concrete, cement or
other material, and the roadbeds and gutters of the said streets
or highways of broken stone, gravel or other suitable material,
and of a width sufficient for the needs of said street, and shall
assess, at any time as the said Mayor and Common Council
shall deem proper and after ten days' notice to the owners,
upon the land abutting said improvements the cost thereof, ex-
cept street and public alley intersections, which assessments
for sidewalks, curbs, gutters or roadbeds and street improve-
ments, or for all or any, shall be a lien upon such abutting
property and shall be payable all cash, or in eight equal instal-
ments of six, twelve, eighteen, twenty-four, thirty, thirty-six,
forty-two and forty-eight months respectively, from the date of
said assessment, with interest at the rate of six per centum per
annum, and the person assessed or any one on his behalf shall
at any time have the right to anticipate by payment all install-
ments of the assessment not then due, and any assessment or
part thereof remaining due and unpaid shall be enforced as a
tax in the same manner as taxes due the town of Brentwood
are enforced under authority of this Act. Any property owner
desiring to construct a sidewalk abutting his property may do
so, conditioned upon the approval of the Mayor and Common
Council as to kind and width of walk and after the establish-
ment of a grade by the Mayor and Council on the street where
the work is proposed to be done. The Mayor and Common
Council shall have power to make all necessary regulations as
to the notice of assessments to property owners made under
this Sub-Section.
Sub-Section 18B. To effectuate the improvements named
in the preceding sub-section, the Mayor and Common Council
of Brentwood are hereby authorized and empowered to borrow
from time to time on the credit of the town a sum or sums of
money which shall not, however, in the aggregate at any one
time exceed ten thousand dollars in amount; and to issue cer-
tificates of indebtedness therefor, which shall be payable with-
in five years from the date of issuance, with interest not to ex-
ceed the rate of six per cent, per annum payable annually, un-
less of shorter duration, then at the maturity of said obliga-
tion; and the Treasurer of said town, is charged with the cus-
tody of any moneys received from the issues of sale of said cer-
tificates of indebtedness as above mentioned and with the
prompt collection and safe keeping of the moneys arising from
assessment upon sidewalks, curbs, gutters and street improve-