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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1180   View pdf image (33K)
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buildings that may in their judgment become dangerous; to
cause the streets, lanes and alleys to be paved, graded, drained
or sewered; to cause the sidewalks along the public streets and
highways of said city to be graded, paved, repaired or im-
proved, curbs to be set and gutters laid, and the Mayor and
City Council, in addition to the regular, taxes paid, may assess
against the owner of the abutting property one-half of the cost
of said curbs installed by said city, said abutting owner to pay
one-tenth of the cost of installing one-half of said curb each
year for a period of ten years until said abutting owner shall
have paid one-half of the cost of said curb; to erect and estab-
lish houses of correction, hospitals or pest-houses without or
within the city, and to provide for the government of the same:
to establish and regulate a station house or lockup for the tem-
porary confinement of violators of the laws of the State or of
the ordinances of the city; to suppress vagrancy; to protect
and preserve the health of the citizens and the property rights
and privileges of the city; to prevent the storage of explosives
or combustible matter in such quantities or places within the
city as they may seem dangerous; to regulate and provide for
licensing of pawnbrokers, peddlers of nostrums, notions, pat-
ents, secrets or pretended inventions and remedies on the
streets, lanes or sidewalks of the city; to regulate and provide
for the issuing of licenses or permits for all hawking, peddling
and vending of wares and merchandise of every description on
the streets, lanes, alleys or sidewalks of the city, and to issue
licenses or permits to all carts, drays, wagons and other ve-
hicles and itinerant peddlers who may go from house to house
to vend or sell wares or merchandise; to levy and collect a tax
on the assessable property of said city as may be necessary to
pay the interest on the city bonds, and to provide a sinking
fund for their redemption at maturity; for the preservation of
peace and good order, securing persons and property from vio-
lence, danger or destruction; for the suppression and restraint
of vice; for the assessment from time to time of all kinds of
property and securities in said city on which State or county
taxes are or may be levied, and for the levy and collection of
a tax thereon for the general purposes of the corporation not ex-
ceeding in any one year one dollar and fifty cents to every
one hundred dollars of assessable property; to fix and pay
the compensation of the bailiff, clerk, treasurer and such
other officers, agents or servants as may be employed by
the corporation; to suppress the practice of firing and


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1180   View pdf image (33K)
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