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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1181   View pdf image (33K)
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discharging firearms, firecrackers, rockets, torpedoes and
other explosives, either by prohibiting the sale thereof or
otherwise; to restrain and prohibit gunning; to create the
office of Building Inspector with such powers and duties
as they shall, by ordinance, prescribe; to provide for licensing,
regulating or restraining circuses or tent shows, theatricals or
other public amusements within the city limits; to establish
day and night police, and to provide for the lighting of the
city streets, to borrow money on the faith and credit of the
city, and to open and close streets; provided they shall not
have the power to borrow any sum or sums greater than five
thousand dollars, or to close or alienate any street or alley or
parts thereof that are already opened and used as highways
without first obtaining the assent of a majority of the legal
voters of the city cast at an election held for that purpose, after
twenty days' public notice; to erect and repair bridges within
the corporate limits; to levy and collect taxes on dogs and
bitches and to restrain them from going at large; to prevent
domestic animals or poultry of any kind from going at large;
to restrain and suppress the keeping of any hogpen within
the city or any part thereof; to regulate and define the loca-
tion of slaughter houses and smokehouses; to regulate the
speed of railroad trains within the limits of the city; to pre-
vent any immoderate driving or riding through the streets in
any carriage, stage, cart or other vehicle or on horseback or
bicycle so as to endanger the lives, limbs or property of any
of the inhabitants of said city, or to disturb the quiet enjoy-
ment of the streets and thoroughfares, to prevent disorderly
conduct and drunkenness in said city; to prevent and disperse
the congregation of disorderly persons upon street corners and
in the vicinity of places of worship; to purchase fire engines,
establish, construct and maintain waterworks, or whatever ap-
pliances may be deemed best for extinguishing fires and pro-
tecting the property of the inhabitants from injury by fire,
and to furnish a supply of pure water for the use of the in-
habitants under such rules and reflations as they may by or-
dinance prescribe: to define the duties of the officers of said
corporation, require bonds and fix the penalties thereof for
the faithful performance of their respective duties, and they
shall have power to enforce their ordinances by fines and pen-
alties; they shall have the power to contract with individuals,
companies or corporations for the introduction of gas, water
or electricity into said city, and for the lighting of the streets


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 1181   View pdf image (33K)
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