SEC. 65-A. A Merit Board shall be named by the Mayor,
Counselor and Aldermen of the City of Annapolis, consisting
of three members, all of whom shall be registered voters of the
City of Annapolis for three years prior to their appointment
and not being members of the said Mayor, Counselor and Alder,
men of the City of Annapolis, and two of whom shall be ad-
herents of the leading political parties, one each of said parties
which shall make up, as provided in this Act, eligible lists from
which appointments and promotions as members of the Polio
Force of Annapolis shall be made, and such appointments and
promotions shall be made in no other manner. At some time
prior to January 1, 1925, the said Mayor, Counselor and Alder-
men of the City of Annapolis shall elect the three members of
the Merit Board, one for a term of two years, one for a term of
four years and one for a term of six years, specifying the term
of each so elected, and upon the expiration of such terms, the
Mayor, Counselor and Aldermen shall elect successors for the
term of six years in each case. The members shall serve with-
out pay and be subject to dismissal by the Mayor, Counselor
and Aldermen of the City of Annapolis for misconduct or
SEC. 65-B. The Merit Board constituted by this Act shall
organize by the election of a president and the City Clerk shall
act as its secretary. It shall make provision for the appoint-
ment and promotion of members of the Police Force of Annapo-
lis, such regulations to be approved by the Mayor, Counselor
and Aldermen of the City of Annapolis. It shall hold examina-
tions to test the moral, mental, physical and educational quali-
fications of applicants and either accept or reject same. It
shall prepare an eligible list in order of merit of those who are
accepted. In the appointment of any applicant by said Merit
Board no consideration is to be given to political or ecclesiasti-
cal ties or connections and it is to be kept entirely free from
political and religious differences, controversies and influences.
SEC. 65-C. Appointments and promotions must be made by
the Mayor, Counselor and Aldermen of the City of Annapolis
from the eligible list prepared by the Merit Board. Appointees
will be on probation for two years after their appointment and
may be dropped by the Merit Board, with the approval of the
Mayor, Counselor and Aldermen of the City of Annapolis, if
deemed unsuitable for police work. After two years of service,
members of the Police Force may be removed by the Merit
Board only for official misconduct, inefficiency or physical dis-