COTTAGE CITY; all pleadings or other papers filed in such
proceedings by or on behalf of said town shall be signed by the
Secretary Commissioner; and such proceedings shall be con-
ducted in the same manner as proceedings are by law conducted
before justice of the peace.
(E) That all fines, penalties, and forfeitures imposed by
any ordinance may be collected in the name of the TOWN OF
COTTAGE CITY before the Chairman Commissioner or any
justice of the peace residing in said town, in the same manner
as small debts are collected in proceedings before justices of the
peace, and the delinquent shall be committed to the county jail
in default of payment until the same is paid. Provided, how-
ever, that no person shall be imprisoned for more than thirty
(30) days for any one violation of any such ordinance or fail-
ure to pay any one penalty or any one forfeiture. All money
recovered by way of fines, penalties or forfeitures shall be the
money of the TOWN OF COTTAGE CITY and be kept and
disbursed as other town funds.
(F) That The Cottage City Commission may appoint by
resolution one or more bailiffs who shall be allowed the same
fees for making distress or levying executions as are allowed
for like services by the laws of the State of Maryland, and for
making arrests or serving process for the violation of any ordin-
ance the same fees as are allowed constables for the similar
services. Such bailiff or bailiffs shall be a resident taxpayer
upon real estate in said town and shall have attained the age
of twenty-one years and shall hold such position for such time
as The Cottage City Commission shall determine. Such bailiff
or bailiffs may at any time be removed from such position by
resolution of The Cottage City Commission.
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted: (A) That The Cottage
City Commission shall hold regular meetings on the first Friday
of each month at such hour (not earlier than 7. 30 o'clock P. M. )
and at such place (within said town) as said Commission may,
by resolution entered in the minute books of said Commission,
(B) Said Commission shall have power to call a special
meeting or meetings to be held on Friday, not earlier than at
7. 30 o'clock P. M., and at the last regular meeting place of said
Commission, whenever, in the opinion of a majority of said
Commissioners, such special meeting is necessary for the wel-
fare or best interests of said town.