and effect from and after the date of the enactment of the
same. And nothing contained in Section 9 of this Act shall
apply to any ordinance so levying such taxes, the intent of this
Section 7 being that The Cottage City Commission shall have
power, and it shall be the duty of said Commission, to enact
such ordinances levying such taxes without submitting any
such ordinance to a vote of the residents of said town, and that
any such ordinance so levying such taxes shall be in force im-
mediately upon the enactment of such ordinance.
(C) That a copy of any such ordinance so levying such
taxes shall be open to public inspection.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted,
(A) That it shall be the duty of the town Treasurer of the
Town of Cottage City to collect and receive all taxes and other
moneys of, and due to, said town, and to keep a record of each
(B) That said town Treasurer shall deposit all town funds
coming into his hands, together with all such interest accruing
thereon, in such depository or depositories as The Cottage City
Commission may, by resolution, select to the credit of the Town
of Cottage City by ——————— The Cottage City Treasurer.
(C) That said town Treasurer shall not disburse or dispose
of any of the funds coming into his hands as such town Treas-
urer except upon check duly signed by him as The Cottage
City Treasurer and countersigned by the Chairman Commis-
sioner (or by the Acting Chairman Commissioner pursuant
to a resolution of said Commission, which said resolution must
first be placed on the minute books of said Commission), and
attested by the Secretary Commissioner.
(D) That said town Treasurer shall, as soon as the annual
levy is made and placed in his hands for collection, give no-
tice by posting same in five public places in said town, at least
one of said notices being placed in each ward and at least one
of said notices being placed at the regular meeting place of
said Commission, and proceed to the collection of taxes with-
in said town in compliance with the laws for the collection of
taxes enacted by the State legislature for the collection of
State and County taxes in Prince George's County.
(E) That said town Treasurer shall make, at each regu-
lar monthly meeting of said Commission, a monthly written
report to The Cottage City Commission, which said report shall