things, subject only to limitations of this Act, for the good
government of the Town of Cottage City and for the benefit
of said town. Provided, however, that all money paid over to
The Town of Cottage City or to The Cottage City Commission
or to the town Treasurer by the County Commissioners of Prince
George's County or by the Board of Road Commissioners of
said County shall be expended in repairs and improvements of
the streets and roadways of said town; and Provided, further,
that neither the Town of Cottage City nor The Cottage City
Commission nor any person shall have power or authority in
any one year to contract debts or incur any financial liability
on behalf of said town in excess of the current annual revenues
of said town.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the County Commis-
sioners of Prince George's County and the Board of Road Com-
missioners of said County shall pay to the Town of Cottage
City, or to The Cottage City Commission or to town Treasurer
of said town, three-fourths of all taxes collected for roads and
bridges levied on the property within the limits of said town,
and the said sum so paid shall be expended in repairs and
improvements of the streets and roadways of said town, said
payment to include three-fourths of said taxes so paid on the
levy of the year that this charter becomes effective as here-
inafter provided.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted,
(A) That the Town of Cottage City and The Cottage City
Commission shall have power to levy, on or before the first day
of February of each year, beginning with the calendar year
succeeding the adoption of this charter, the tax year commenc-
ing on the first of July, taxes at the rate of twenty-five cents
on each one hundred dollars of the assessable value of real and
personal property within said town, based on the State and county
assessments for all purposes; and all taxes so levied shall be
a lien on any and all properly of the person, firm, partner-
ship, company, association or corporation against whom they
may be levied; and the taxes for each year shall be payable on
the first day of July next succeeding the levy thereof and shall
be in arrears and subject to a legal interest from and after
that date.
(B) That the taxes provided for in paragraph A of this
section shall be levied by ordinance enacted by The Cottage
City Commission, and any such ordinance shall be in force