Volume 567, Page 286 View pdf image (33K) |
March Court 1731 And the afd William Sowerby makes the Certificate as foll. viz.t These may Certify that haveing rec.d the within mentioned goods Do remitt all that Shall accrue to me by the within named Blakes feloniously takeing them as Witness my hand this 10.th day of Sep.r 1731 William Sowerby The above was delivered by the Same Justice that Deliv.rd the Confession of the afd William Blake being thereof endorsed Thereupon y.e Same Blake was not Com.d for y.e ^four fold afd^ Ordered by this Court here on the third tuesday of March being the twenty first day of Said Month Anno Dom. Seventeen hundred and thirty one That Joseph Young Gent high Sherf of K.t County keep the afd William Blake in Safe Custody untill he Shall Satisfie the cost and Charges afd accrued on the premisses being the Sum of seven hundred and twenty three pounds of Tobacco Ordered his Examination be fild which is as foll. viz.t William Sowerby belonging to the Ship Harbert haveing brought before me the Subscriber one of his Lordships Justices of the peace for the County of Kent a Certain W.m Blake of the Same County and the Same Sowerby alledgeing that the Said Blake had Stole from him and from on Boa^r^d a Sloop belonging to the Said Ship lying and being in the County afd the following Goods viz.t one pare of Mans Cloath Breches two Ditto Jacketts one Good Garlin Holland ^mans^ Shirt one p.r of mens Pumps one Double worsted Mans Cap one good Checkerd Lining mans Shirt one pare of mens worsted hose of the Goods of the afd William Sowerby The Said William Blake being by me the Subscriber Examined in relation to the premisses Sayth that he took from on board the Said Sloop the foregoing Goods and that the Said Goods were neither Sold nor Given to him by any person and the Said Examinant further Saith that no person was on Board the Sloop when he entered her and took the Said Goods And that ^he^ the Examinant had no right to the Said Goods and further the Examinant Sayth that the Said Goods belongs to the afd William Sowerby William Blake mark On the back of the afd Examination was endorsed as followeth viz.t Kent County Sep.r 10: 1731 Then the within Examination taken by me one of the Justices of the County afd C.s Hynson
County Court to wit at Chester Town in the County afd the day of March Anno Dom. Seventeen hundred thirty and one and for the Same Lord prop.ry doth give the Court here to understand and be informed that William Graves Jun.r |
Volume 567, Page 286 View pdf image (33K) |
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