Vine, f Arch st. t Stockton al. n Fayette
Waesche, f Saratoga t Lexington, e Fremont
Wagon al. f Howard st.t Eutaw, n Lexington
Walker, f Bond st. t Broadway, n Jefferson
Wallace, f Patap. riv. t nw bran, near the fort
Walnut al. f Pear al. t Ross st
Walsh, f Moylon t Biddle, ne Chatsworth
Warner, f middle branch t Columbia st
Warren, f Light st. t nw branch, Federal hill
Warrington, f w b line t James st. sw limits.
Washington, f Cross t Rand'l, e William, F. H.
Washington, f nw br. t n b line, 3 sts. e Broad w.
Washington av. f Columbia st. t Gwynn's falls
west of Fremont
Washington square, enclo. Washington Monu-
ment, intersec. of Cha's and Monum't sts
Water, f South t Light, n Lombard
Waterloo row, n Calv't st. nr Mt. Vernon place
Watson, f High t Canal, s Baltimore
Wayne, f Fremont t Sharp, s Con way
Ways, f Pat. riv. t nw br. s of Balt, near the fort.
Webster, f Patap. riv. t nw bran, e powderhouse
Welch, al. s f Lexington market, e Paca st
Welcome al. f Warner st. t Light st. whf. n Lee
Wells, f mid. branch t Lawrence st. Ferry Point
West, f Scott st. t nw branch, s Cross
Whetstone, f Lawrence st. t nw br. e powd. house
Whetstone point, at Fort McHenry.
Wicomico, f Gwynn's falls t Scott st
William, f Randall st. t the basin, 1 st. e Light
Williamson al. f Hanover st. t Light, n Hamb'g
Willow, f Harford av. t McKim st. n. Madison
Wills, f Dock st. t nw branch, s city dock
Wilmer al. f Chatsw. mkt. t Geo. st. ne Walsh
Wilson, f Pen. av. t John st. 8 sts. above Biddle
Winchester, f w b line t Fremont st. ent. Frem't
above intersection with Chatsworth
Winder, f mid. branch t Clagett st. Ferry point.
Windsor, f Boston t Essex, Canton.
Wine, f Charles t Light, s Baltimore
Wine al. w f Light st. s Baltimore
Wolfe, f n b line t Fell st. 2 sts. e Broadway
Wolfe al. f Perry st. t Conway, w Howard
Wood, f South st t Bowly's wharf, s Pratt
Wood al. f Adams st. t George, e Fremont
Wooyear al. f McDonough st. t n b l. w Carey
Wooster, f James st. t mid. bran. 2 sts. sw Cross
Wucth, f Columbia t St. Peter, w Scott
Wills st. wharf, lower end of Wills st
Wilson's, Philpot street.
X al. f Lee st. t York, e Hanover
York, f Eutaw t Light, s Lee
York av. f Monum't st. t u b line, e Peniten. now
Greenmount av
Young, f Orleans t Thompsen, w Aisquith
Bel Air market, in Forrest, st. f Hillen t Orleans
Center " occupies f Pratt st. t Baltimore w
of Jones's falls. [School No. 10.
Cross street market, f Charles st. t rear of Public
Fell's Point market, occupies Broad w. f Thames
st. t Canton. av
Hanover market, bounded by Camden, Hanover
and Sharp streets
Hollins street market, Hollins st. s Baltimore
Lexington market, bounded by Lexington, Eu-
taw, Greene and Louisiana sts
Richmond, market, from Howard t Garden st
We deem it safest to give the following list of Wharves by their respective names,
though some may have changed owners. They would not be so generally known by other
Belt's, between Ann and Fell sts
Bowly's, South and Bowly sts. s Pratt
Brown's, bet. Thames st. &, Lancaster
Buchanan's, f Pratt st. t basin, foot of Fred'k st
Canal st. east and west f Broadway t city dock.
Chase's, foot of Thames st
City wharf, city dock, w of Caroline st
Corner's, betw. Broadway and Ann st
do. foot of Frederick st Dock
Cordery's, now Abraham's ship yard, bet. East
av. & Thames, st. s of city
County wharf, foot of Broadway
Donnell's, see Henderson's
Dugan's, t Pratt st. t basin, w side, s of C. mkt
Gibson's, betw. Ann and Fell sts
Government, foot of Bond st
Grieves's, foot of Broadway
Henderson's between Ann and Fell sts s fm
Fell st
Howell's, betw. Broadway and Ann st
Jackson's, betw. Thames and Bond sts
Kerr's, betw. Bond st. and Broadway
Lee st. wharf, f Light t Johnson st
Light st. wharf, f Pratt t Lee st
Market wharf, lower end Broadway
McClure's dock, betw. Commerce and South sts
McElderry's f Pratt st. t basin, e side Cen. mkt
O'Donnell's, f Pratt st, t basin, foot of Fred'k st
Patterson's, f Block t Point st. below City Dock
do. between Patterson and Commerce
Pratt st. wharf, f Light st. t Bowly st
Public, foot of Wills st. and s of City Dock
Ramsay's, betw. Thames and Bond sts
Sheppard's, betw. Bond st. and Broadway
Smith's, f Pratt st. I the basin, e side of Gay
Spear's, f Pratt st. t the basin, w side of Gay
Union, f Eastern av. t the basin
Waters's betw. Fell and Thames sts