Peach al. f mid. bran, t Montgomery st. e Sharp
Pear al. f Preston st t Union, ne Penn. av
Pearl, f Penn. av t Baltimore st. w Greene
Peirce, f Schroeder t Pearl, n Mulberry
Penn, f German t Haw, e Fremont
Pennsylvania, av. f Franklin st. t n b line, com.
near termination of Greene st
Perry, f Paca t Light, s Camden
Philpot, f Point t Thames, s Block
Philpot al, f Gough st, t Canal, n Pratt
Pine, f George t German, w Pearl
Pinkney al. f Gwynn's falls t Cross st
Pleasant, G., f Charles t Holliday, B Saratoga
Pleasant, L., f Park t Charles, n Saratoga
Plover al. f Centre st.t Richmond, e Park
Plowman, f High st. t the Falls, s Baltimore
Plum al. f mid. bran, t Montgom'y st. e Howard
Point, f Dock st. t nw branch, near city dock
Poppleton, f Columbia t Franklin, w Fremont
Port al. f n b line t nw branch, e Hospital
Porter, f Clagett st. t nw branch
Portland, f Fremont t Columbia, s Pratt
Potomac, f nw branch t n b line, Canton.
Poultney, f Light t s Charles, n Cross
Pratt, f w b line t e b line, s Baltimore st
Presbury, f w b line t Calhoun st. nw limits.
President, f Pratt st. t city dock, e Falls av
Presstman, f w b line t Garden st. nw limits.
Preston, f Penn. av. t John st
Proctor al. f n b line t Chase, st. e York av
Prosser, f Patapsco river t nw branch, w of fort.
Pulaski, f Gwynn's falls t w b line run. nr. w b 1.
Putnam, f James st. t mid. bran, near sw limits
Raborg, f Greene t Republican, n Baltimore
Race, f Charles st. t middle branch, w Hanover
Ramsay, f w b line t Frem't st. com. at Columbia
Randall, f mid. br. t Webs' r st. end. nr. Powder-
Reed, f Cathedral t North, n Madison
Reese f Clagett st. t nw branch, e Powderhouse
Regester, f n b line t Lancaster st, e Broadway.
Republican, f w Baltimore t Lombard, e Carey
Reynolds, f Pat. riv. t nw br. bet. fort & P. house
Richardson, f " " " " " "
Richmond, f Biddle t Cathedral, w end of Park st
Ridgely, f middle branch t Fremont st. ends Fre-
mont near Conway
River, f Ostend t Clement, bet. powderh. & fort.
Robert, f Frem't t Bolt'n, nr jun Frem. & Pen. av
Robinson, f Patapsco river t nw branch.
Robinson, f Canton av. t Boston st. near eastern
Rock, f Fayette t Saratoga, w Fremont
Rose al, f n b line t nw branch, e Hospital.
Ross, f Howard st. t n b line, com. near Center
Russell, f mid. br. t Frem't, st. ent. Frem. nr. Lee
Russell lane, f Canal st. t Eden, n Orleans
Russel al, fGwynn's falls t Cross st. terminating
city limits
Rutledge, f w b line t James st. sw limits
Rutter al. f McMechin st. t Dolphin, w Cathed'l
St. James, near St. James's Church, f Aisquith
St. Mary, f Pen. av. t Madison, side of Seminary
near Columbia
St. Mary's ct. n f Pen. av. t St. Mary's Semin'y
St. Paul, f Baltimore st. t n b line, e Charles
St. Peter, f Parkin t s Paca, s Columbia
St. Peter al. f Parkin st. t Sterrett, s Columbia
Sadtler al. f Warren st. t Donald'n, 5 st. e Light
Salisbury al. f Exeter st. t Canal, n Lombard
Sarah Ann, f Fremont t Pearl, n Saratoga
Saratoga, f Gay st. t w b line, n Lexington
Sassafras, f Gwynn's fs. t Cross st. ent. Cross nr.
Scammel, f w b l. t James st. sw limits [Hamb'g
Schroeder, f James t Lanvale, 4 sts. w Fremont
Scott, f Lombard t West, com. near Fremont
Second, f South st t Center market, n Lombard
Second la, f Fifth la. t Sixth st. nr Powderhouse
Seventh, f Clement t Sixth street.
Severn, f Gwynn's falls t Scott st. nr. mid. bran.
Shakspear, f Bond sl.t Broadway, n Thames
Sharp, f Pleasant st. t middle branch, e Liberty
Shielde al. f Chatsw. mkt. t Biddle st. ne Chatsw
Short, f McElderry t Orleans, e Aisquith
Short al. f Short st.t Canal, e Aisquith
Sixth, f Fourth st. t Webber, nr. Powderhouse
Slemmer al. f Granby st. t Eastern av. e President
Smallwood, f Gwynn's falls t w b line.
Smith, f Frem't st. t Pen. av. 7 sts, nw of Biddle
Smith's al. f Gay st. t Frederick, s Lombard
Smith's la. f Smith's t Buchan's whf. s Pratt st
Somerset, f John t Madison, e Aisquith
South, f Baltimore st. t the basin, w Gay
Spring ct. fronting n side Charles st. fountain
Spring, f city dock t n b line, e Eden st
Spurrier's & court, s side Lexington st. w St. Paul
Stable al. f Pratt st. t Lombard, w Gay
Stansbury al, f Molt st. t Monument, nw Gay
Star al. f n b line t Canton av. e Wolf st
State, f Franklin t Saratoga, w Howard
Sterrett, f McHenry t Ramsay
Slerrett al. f Sterrett st. t Scott
Stevenson, f Clagett st. t n w br. e powder-house
Stiles, f e Falls av. t Canal st. s Pratt
Stricker, f James t n Calhoun, cros. near June, of
Baltimore st. and Frederick av
Stirling, f Mott t Eager, com. in Mott n of Gay
Stockholm, f Ja's t Leadenh'l sw Cross & West
Stockton al. f Presstman st. t Eagle, e Carey
Stoddard al. f Gold st. t Biddle, ne Ross
Steuart, f Patpsco river t nw branch between,
fort and Powderhouse
Strange al. f McClellan st. t Charles, n Balt.
Steuben, f w b line t James st. near sw limits.
Sullivan, " " " "
Suffolk, f Heath st. t Patap. river, e powderhouse
Stump al. f Barre st. t Conway, w Charles
Swan, f Center mkt. t the falls, s Baltimore st
Temple, f Baltimore t Fayette, e High
Tenant, f w b line t Fremont st. end. at junct. fm.
Chatsworth and Fremont
Tenpin al, six doors 1 Balt. st. runn'g f Spring
Tessier, f Biddle st, t St. Mary's, n Penn. av
Thames, f Philpot st. t nw branch, s Lancaster
Third, f Cross t Randall, F. Hill.
Thompsen, f For rest t Aisquith, n Orleans
Thompson, f w b line t Freaxont street entrance
near George
Thompson al. f Fremont st t Parkin, n Lombard
Toone, f nw branch t e b line, Canton.
Townsend, f nw b line t e b line n of Franklin st
Towson, f Patap. riv. t nw bran, nr powderhouse
Trinity, f Albemarle st t Exeter, n Eastern av.
Tripolett's al, f Baltimore st t Second, W Gay
Truxton, f the falls t For resist, n Penitentary.
Tyson, f Saratoga st. t Cathedral, e Howard
Tyson al. f Howard st t Cathedral, n Richmond
Uhler's al. f Hanover st t Charles, n Pratt
Union, f Penn, av t Ross st, nw Biddle
Union al. f Canal st. t Dallas, n Fayette
Upton, f w Townsend t Adams, e Fremont
Valery, f Harford av. s line, w Ensor at
Vincent al. f Presbury t Sullivan, w Suburbs