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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1855-56
Volume 565, Page 432   View pdf image (33K)
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Kent, f James st. t Gwynn's falls, sw limits
Kimmel al. f Lexington st. t Wagon al. w How'd
L al. e f Frederick st. s of Lombard
Lancaster , f e F'ls av. t e b line, s Alice Anna st
Lanvale, f w b line t e b line, 9 sts. n Madison
Latrobe al. f Gwynn's falls t Scott st. sw suburbs
Laurens, f Penn. av. t Grundy st. near jnnc. of
Fremont st. and Penn. av
Leakin, f Boston t Essex, Canton.
Leadenhall, f Montg'y st. t mid bran, w Hano'r
Lawrence, f Patap. riv. t nw br. e Powderhouse
Lee, f Fremont st. t Hughes's quay, 4 sts. s
Lemmon, f Schroeder t Poppleton, n Pratt
Lewis, f Holland st. t Short al. e Aisquith.
Lexington, f w b line t North st. n Fayette
Liberty, f Saratoga t Lombard, e Howard
Liberty al. f Madison st. t Buren, w Constitut'n
Light, f Baltimore t Randall, e Charles
Light al. f Light st. t Grant, s Baltimore
Little Church, f Hano'r st. t the basin, n Montg.
Livery al. f Front st. t e Falls av. n Lombard st
Liverpool al. f Camden st. t Perry, w Charles
Lloyd, f Baltimore t Granby, e Exeter
Locust, f McEld'y's whf t Union dock, s Eas. av
Lombard, f e b line t w b line, n Pratt st
Lorman, f w b line t Fremont st. nw limits
Louisiana, runs w f n Eutaw st. t Greene, n side
of Lexington market.
Lovegrove al. f n b line t Madison st. e Charles
Lovely lane, f Calvert st. t South, s Baltimore
Low, t Jones's falls t Aisquilh st. s Gay
Lowman, f Pat. r. t nw br. bet. fort & Powderh.
Ludlow, f Lawrence st t nw br. e Powder-house
Lumber al. f Bowly st. t Eastern av. s Pratt
Luzerne, f nw bran, t n b line, w Harris's creek
Locust Point, comprises that part of Whetstone
Point n e of Season street
Macdonough, f w b line t James st. sw suburbs.
Madeira al. f n b line t nw branch, e Hospital.
Madison, f Eutaw st. t e b line, n Monument
Madison, av. (Madison st.) f Eutaw st. t n b line
Madison ct. runs into Madison st. w Eden
Magazine st. f Webster st. t nw br. se Powder-
Magazine the, (call'd powderhouse on the map.)
storage for Powd. is on a line with Center
mkt. s of the basin, on the road to the fort
Maiden lane, f Aisquith st. t East, n Baltimore
Manokin, f James st. t Gwynn's falls, sw limits
Marion, f Liberty t Paca, n Fayette
Marriott, f nw br. t nw br. e of the magazine
Marshall, f Ostend st. t middle branch
Martin, f Patap. riv. t nw branch, w of the fort
Mason al. f Robert st. t Biddle, nr. Richm. mkt.
Matthews, f Calvert t Grant, n Pratt
May, f Canal t Spring, n Holland
McClellan, f Baltimore t Fayette, e Sharp
McComas, f mid. bran, t Patap. river, Ferry pt.
McCulloch, f Biddle t Gold, com. betw. Ross and
McElderry, G., f Wolfe st. t e b line, s Monum't
McElderry, L., f Fnrrest st. t Broadway, s of
McHenry, f w b line t Fremont st. s Pratt
McHenry al. f Lomb'd st. t Columbia, w Frem't
McKim, f Madison st. t n b line, e York av
McMechin, f Penn. av. t w Oliver st. nw Biddle
Mechanic's court, w of High st. n of Gay
Meeting house al f Eut'w st. t Long al. s Frankl.
Mercer, f Calvert t Light, s Baltimore


Middle Branch, is the body of water which lies w
of Ferry pt. and into which Gwynn's falls
empties, commonly called Spring Garden
Mill, f Pratt st. t the basin, w Concord
Miller, f Bond st. t Broadway, n Madison
Milliman, f Caroline st. t Broadway, s Madison
Moale, f mid. branch t Patap. river. Ferry point
Monroe, f James st. t n b line, w suburbs
Montgomery, f Etuaw st. t nw branch, s Hill
Montgomery court, n of Montg'y st. w of Light
Montmorency al. f Chatsworth st. t Arch, n Lex
Monument, f Ross and Paca sts. t e b 1. s Mad'n
Monument, L., f Eutaw t Biddle, ne Ross
Monument sq. encl. Battle monument, Calvert st
Moore al. nw f Tessier Biddle & Orchard
Morris al. f Bloome st.t tv Biddle, ne Madison
Morton al. f Madison st. t n b line, w Charles
Mosher, f w b line t Elm st. 5 sts. n Franklin
Molt, f Ensor t Gay, ne Forrest
Mount, f Calhoun st. t Ohio, near w b line
Mount Vernon place, at Washington monument
Moylon, f Frem't st. t Penn. av. 8 sts nw Biddle
Mullikin, f Aisquith t Ann, s Orleans
Mulberry, f w b line t Calvert st. n Saratoga
Mulberry court, w of Fremont st. n Lexington
N al. f L al e t the eastern boun. of Col. John E
Howard's estate, n of Hamilton st
Nanticoke, f Gw'n's fs. t Cross st. end. nr Columb
Neale, f nw branch t Patapsco river, nr the fort
Necessity al, f High st. t Chestnut, n Fayette
Neighbor, f McKim st. t Harford av, n Mad'n
New, f Paca t Eutaw, n Franklin
New Church, f Sharp st. t Crooked la. n Fayette
Nicholson, f nw bran, t nw bran. e Powderhouse
Nicholson, L., f Aisquith t Canal, s Jackson

Norfolk, f Wells st. t Patapsco river
Norris al. f Presstman st. t Rutledge, w suburbs
North, f Baltimore st. t n b line, e Calvert
North av. f e b line t w b line, along the n b line
North Bowly, (form. Franklin lane) f Pratt st. t
e Water, w South
Northwest st. western and northern city limits.
Northwest branch, is that body of water encl. by
the two points on which Fort McHenry
and Lazaretto are situated.
O al. i G reene st t Diamond, s Lexington,
Oak, f n b line t Federal, e Cathedral
O'Donnel, f n w branch t e b line, Canton.
Ogston, f Franklin t Chatsworth, w June. Biddle
and George
Ohio, f Stockholm st. t Small wood, near B. and
O. Railway.
Oliver, f n b line't e b line, 7 sts. n Madison
Orange al. f Norlh st t Gay, n Fayette
Orbit al. f n b line t Eager st. w Ensor
Orchard, f Pen. av. t Mad'n av. w Paca & Mon't
Oregon, t Baltimore t Lombard, e Republican
Orleans, f Bel Air mkt. t e b line, n Fayette st
Ostend, f William t s Paca, s West
Paca, f Ross st. t Gwynn's falls, w Eutaw
Paca, L.. f Paca t Conway, s Camden
Painter's court, f 57 e Fayette st
Park, f Richmond t Liberty, e Howard
Parkin, f Hollins st. t Cross, w Fremont
Parrish al. f Baker st. t Chatham, w suburbs
Patapsco, f nw bran, t n b line, nr Harris's cr'k
Patapsco al. f Henrietta st. t mid. bran, e Charles
Patapsco river, runs s of Baltimore.
Patterson, f Pratt st. t the basin, e Commerce
Patuxent, f nw bran, t n b line, e Harris's creek
Payson, f James st. t n b line, w suburbs

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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1855-56
Volume 565, Page 432   View pdf image (33K)
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