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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1855-56
Volume 565, Page 298   View pdf image (33K)
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Sauerhoff John, 152 e Pratt
Sauerland William, grocer, 133 Penn. av
Sauerwein Elizabeth, 76 Park
Sauerwein George & Co., flour and commission
merchants. 110 n Howard
SAUERWEIN PETER & SON, flour dealers,
101 n Howard
Sauerwein Peter G.(P. S. & Son,) 210 n Howard
Sauerwein Peter, 81 n Howard
Sauerwein William, bricklayer, 135 Vine
Saufort Chas., merchant tailor, 129 Penn. av
Sauk Adam, cabinet maker, rear 175 Stirling
Saul Louisa, 134 Saratoga
Saul Joseph W., whip maker, 12 Sharp
Saulsbury James, wood dealer, 145 Cross
Saulsbury Andrew & Son, paint and grocery
dealers, 38 Hughes, h Montgomery
Saumenig Conrad, flour and feed dealer, h 240
w Fayette
Saumenig Jacob, flour and feed dealer, corner
Pratt and Howard, h 80 Columbia
Saumenig John W., carpenter, 30 St. Peter's,
shop Eislen
Saumenig Ann, 173 s Paca
Saunders Jas. M., superintendent gas works, 54
e Lombard
Saunders George, ship carpenter, 278 Johnson
Saunders Wesley, printer, 193 Mulberry
Saunders Thomas, 184 William
Saunders Julia, 105 s Greene
Saunders Joseph, 32 Hen rietta
Saunders William, carpenter, 315 Light
Sauner John H., tobacconist, 145 w Pratt
Sauning Henry, carpenter, 204 Scott
Sauter Philip, silver plater, 35 German
Savage John W., mariner, 231) Alice Anna
Savage Joseph R , coach maker, h 119 n Exeter
Savage Sarah, 60 Sharp
Savage Wm. H., of custom house, 131 Biddle
Savage Isaac, laborer, 42 Hill
Savage (Lycurgus E.) & Yager (Andrew J.,)
importers of brandies, wines, gin and cigars,
42 w Lombard
Saville Ann, 165 n Fremont
Saville Ann Jane, milliner dealer, 36 w Pratt
Saville Thomas, shoemaker, 37 Hoffman




Manufacturer and Dealer in



Silver and Brass Letters and


A variety of styles of Coffin Handles, Trim-

mings, &c. Also German Silver Sheet Brass

and Wire.



294 SCH

Saville Wm., shoemaker, h 373 Lexington
Savin Thomas, 30 s Exeter
Savin Thomas L., teacher, 116 e Pratt
Savings' Bank of Baltimore, n w cor Gay and
Sawner Rachel, 7 Tessier
Sawyer Esther, 161 s Spring
Sax John, 475 Baltimore
Saxe John, milkman, 86 Canton
Saxe Michael, laborer, Elliott st, Canton
Saxon Daniel, 183 & Bond
Saxon John, 267 Alice Anna
Saxton James, 213 n Exeter
Saxton Owen, 21 Rose
Say Charles, laborer, 17S Burgundy alley
Say John, porter, 155 Welcome alley
Saylor John, carpet weaver, 11 n Front
Scales Cattle, between Frederick road and Pratt
Scales Capt. George H., 151 Gough
Scales Margaret, Boston e of Leakin
Scandler John, grocer, 17 s Register
Scanlan James, oak cooper, 9 McHenry
Scantlin Daniel, laborer, 155 n Exeter
Scarborough John, constable, 114 n Exeter
Scarbough John, stone cutter, 6 Willow
Scarff George W., of cus. house, 236 n Howard
Scarf Henry, silversmith, 271 Madison
Scarf James H., plasterer, 12 St. Mary
Scarf Elisha, moulder, 86 Dolphin
Scarf Henry, 507 Saratoga
Scarf John, bacon dealer, 52 Chew
Scarff Wm W., plasterer, 210 Caroline
Scarf William S., clerk, 91 Albemarle
Scars Thomas. 145 Hollins
Scatergood Rebecca, 181 e Pratt
Sceligh Ernst, butcher. 66 York av
Scemp John, tailor, 61 n Frederick
Scentman Joseph 225 Hamburg
Schackles John, cooper, 136 Camden, h Paca
Schafer John, shoemaker, 137 Stirling
Schaefer Christian, gro. and liq. deal., 1 Beuren
SCHAEFER ADOLPHUS C., gen. commis.
merchant, 74 South, h 76 Center
Schaeffer Christ., baker, 247 Pennsylvania av
Schaeffer Daniel, tobacconist, 475 w Lombard
Schaeffer Edw. K., (S. & Loney,) 36 Courtland
Schaeffer Frances M. C., 146 Lexington
Schaeffer George, butcher, 70 Union
Schaeffer John, laborer, 5 Beuren
SCHAEFFER (Edw. K.) & LONEY, (Francis
B.,) importers of hardware, cutlery and guns,
3 Hanover
Schaeffer Chris., 111 n Charles
Schaeffer Allen. (Pilkington & S.,) High
Schaeffer David, grocer, 130 n Canal
Schaeffer (Fred'k L.,) & Abrahams (W. S.) 47
Schaeffer Henry, carpenter, 658 Penn. av
Schaeffer John, 56 Lancaster
Schaeler John F.. laborer, 18 East
SCHAER. & KOILER. commission merch's,
16 and 17 Exchange buildings
Schaer Wm., (S. & Kohler,) bds Eutaw house
Schafer Conrad, tailor, 7 New Church
Schaffer George A., 306 Aisquith
Schaffer John, 146 s Charles
Schaffer Allen J., (Pilkingfon & S.) 144 n High
Schaffer John, music teacher, 112 Saratoga
Schaffer Seb, 249 Hanover
Schaffline Geo., tailor, Burke n of Boston
Schaible Charles F., baker, 535 w Baltimore

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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1855-56
Volume 565, Page 298   View pdf image (33K)
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