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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1855-56
Volume 565, Page 299   View pdf image (33K)
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Schaeler Val., laborer, Clinton n of Boston
Schaenewolf Christopher, plasterer, 240 s Sharp
Schamel Augt., cooper, 71 Granby
Schandler Frank, shoemaker, 13 Beuren
Scharer John, tailor, 201 Montgomery
Scharf Ludwick, tailor, 24 Chesnut
Scharf Robert, grocer, 422 Saratoga
Scharf Thomas G., 825 Baltimore
Scharf Wm's, lottery office, 1 Holliday, h 233 e
Scharf Wm.. huckster, 19 s Republican
Schassner Samuel, clothier, 212 Alice Anna
Schaub John, shoemaker, 27 Shakspeare
Schaub John, laborer, 261 s Ann
Schaub John, grocer, 84 Albemarle
Schaublau And'w, merchant tailor, 377 w Pratt





Ready-Made Clothing


No. 367 West Pratt Street,


Makes to order and always
on hand a Fashionable As-
sortment of Clothing in the
latest style, which will be sold
cheap for cash.


Schauer Martin, (Johnson & S.) h 108 Chew
Schauffer Charles H., printer, n w cor of Bal-
timore and Frederick, h 16 e Lombard
Schaum Fredk., of. glass house, 179 s Charles
SCHAUM FREDERICK & CO., proprietors of
Glass house, Ostend st. near Glass house,
store 47 s Calvert
Schaum Lewis, glass hlowcr, 150 Hughes
Schaum Lewis, glass blower, h 12 Hughes
Schaum Wm., tavern, 142 Hughes
Schaumtoeffl Wm., locksmith, 544 w Pratt
Schaups Frederick, tailor, 39 Hampstead
Schauseih Gotleib, grocer. 339 Franklin
Schaza George, laborer, Elliott st.e of Patuxent
Scheerer Geo. W., cabinet mkr. 6 Fish Market
Scheffeld Wm., carpenter, 81 Orleans
Scheffer John, cabinet maker, 124 n Eden
Scheffle Earnest, cooper, 191 Constitution
Shegart O., carver, 16 e Lombard
Scheib Rev. Henry, pastor of Zion's church, 248
Scheigert Frederick, tavern, 12 w Fayette
Schelle (Frederick) & Weiss (John M.) liquor
merchants, 153 Franklin
Schelle Frederick, (S. & Weiss) 346 e Lombard
Schellenschelager Matth.. box mk , 97 Jefferson
Schem John, pianomaker, 171 Carpenters' alley
Schembs John, wheelwright, 38 Columbia
Schen Charles 262 Alice Anna
Schen John B., tobacconist, 36 Thames

295 SCH

Schenhauf John, tavern, 66 Lancaster
Schepack John G., baker, 166 William
Schepler Chislopher, police, 3 Chesnut
Scherer Christopher, cabinet mkr, 11 Harrison
Scheroufelberger Henry, locksmith, 146 n Eutaw
Schewick Daniel, butcher, 224 s Sharp
Scheyd Godfrey, porter, 143 Henrietta
Schibla Lewis, compass maker, 139 Henrietta
Schidalman Frederick, shoemaker, 90 Low
Schiek Michael, tailor, 306 w Pratt
Schier Charles, grocer, 140 s Howard
Schiff Meyer, clothier, 127 n Howard
Schiff Martin, clothier, 298 w Pratt
Schild Philip, paver, 72 Beuren
Schiller Charles, machinist, til n Front
Schilling Elizabeth, 247 n Bond
Schilling Wm., shoemaker, 167 Ensor
Schillingbosher Michael, 19 Colvert alley or
Britton's court
Schillinger George, baker, 26 Hampstead
Schillinger Henry, baker, 101 n Calvert
Schillinger Powell, laborer, 449 n Gay
Schimal Stephen, cabinet mkr., 123 w Lombard
Schmitblizer John, laborer, 5 Douglass
Schimp John A., shoemaker, 14 s Howard
Schirah John, cabinet maker, 195 Montgomery
Schirman George, tailor, 26 Regester
Schiver John, shoemaker, 31 Philpot
Schlean John H., shoemaker, 75 Harrison
Schlecht Andrew, tailor, 234 s Bond
Schlee Peter, shoemaker, 307 Forest
Schlegle Frederick, boarding house, 270 s Ann
Schleieker Peter F., near 437 Lexington
Schleigh John G., confectioner, 42 s Howard
Schlereth Joseph, basket maker, 153 Canton av
Schley Frederick C., confectioner, 350 Light
SCHLEY WILLIAM, counsellor at law, 65 w
Fayette, h 74 Franklin, or 70 New
Schlichter Conrad, tinner, 214 Alice Anna
Schliofer Wm., gro and liq. deal., 537 Lexing'n
Schlinkman Harman, coach maker, 224 Raborg,
h 812 Baltimore
Schlinkman Henry, carriage maker and black-
smith, 818 Baltimore
Schloigal Rev. C. A., 55 s Bond
Schlitt Joseph, gro. and liq. deal., 22 n Bond
Schive Bernard, gro. and liq. deal., 107n Eutaw
Schloss Eml., pr. Baltimore House, 20 Mercer
Schloss & Feldenheimer, cloth's, 28 C. Market
Schloss Joseph, 74 n Exeter
Schloss Lazarus, dry gds. deal , 224 Alice Anna
SCHLIECKER P. F., merchant, 105 Smith's
whf., h Franklin Square, next Widow's Home
Schlout Conrad, distiller, 374 Saratoga
Schluter Christ, tailor, 44 Clay
Schmlzel Jacob, harness maker, 100 Thames
Schmake Conrad, shoemaker, 12 Lemon
Schmelz Henry, shoemaker 95 Raborg
Schmennen Daniel, baker, 190 Biddle
Schmerz Henry, cigar maker, 255 n Bond
Schmick Philip, slater, 21 Watson
Schmidt August, grocer, 248 s Charles
Schmidt Christian, carpenter, 580 Baltimore
Schmidt Eliza F., fancy store, 243 Howard
Schmidt Eml., shoemaker, 84 s Charles
Schmidt Frederick, shoemaker, 84 York
Schmidt Frederick, silver plater, 202 Hanover
Schmidt George, shoemaker, 26 North
Schmidt George W., shoemaker, 282 Lexington
Schmidt George, carter, 128 French
Schmidt George, 260 Hanover

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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1855-56
Volume 565, Page 299   View pdf image (33K)
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