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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1855-56
Volume 565, Page 297   View pdf image (33K)
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Salmon Francis, grocer, 45 Forest
Salsbury Samuel, cabinet maker, 16 Warner
Salter Theodore, painter, 71 Regester
Salton Seballa, 303 Franklin
Saltzman William, carter, 59 Preston
Salzar George, piano maker, 374 Lexington
Samp Thomas, cooper, 446 w Pratt
Sampson James, lithographer, 61 Stirling
Sampson John, 3 Thames
Sampson Joseph, 84 Dallas
Sampson John, chair maker, 199 Conway
Sampson Susan, 216 Eastern avenue
Samuel David, copper smelter, Clinton st, Cant'n
Samuels Sam., copper smelt., Clinton st, Canton
Sandal T., painter, 88 Orleans
Sande John, shoemaker, 304 Monument
Sander Geo., (Lerew, Sander & Co.,) 60 n
Sander Henry, cabinet maker, 240 Canton av
Sander Philip, shoemaker, 195 s Bond
Sanderlin Basil, joiner, 181 Gough
Sanders (Geo.) & Crook (Francis A.,) grocers
and commission merchants, 33 Cheapside
Sanders Edward J., 23 n High
Sanders Geo., (S.& Crook, ) h 92 e Baltimore
Sanders Benedict, (J. W. S. & Bro,) Broadway
Sanders Charles, 205 s Ann
Sanders Beverly C., 81 Center
Sanders George, ship carpenter, 239 Orleans
SANDERS J. W. & BRO., grocers and com-
mission merchants, 40 and 42 s Frederick, h
78 e Fayette
Hotel, 95 n. Howard
Sanders John W., printer, 185 Mulberry
Sanders Jos., variety dealer, 177 Lexington
Sanders Peter, milkman, 73 Johnson
Sanders Rebecca, 185 Canal
Sanders Thomas W., hatter, 46 Jackson
Sanders William, shoemaker, 30 Low
Sanders James, rigger, 65 Lancaster
Sanders James, machinist, 9 Falls
Sanders John E., bell hanger, 88 Chew
Sanders Solomon, mariner, 40 McElderry
Sanders Sylvester, wood dealer, 238 e Pratt
Sanderson John, laborer, Foundry
Sanderson Henry S., 27 n High
Sanderson George, 203 Peirce
Sanderson George H.. teller Commercial and
Farmers' Bank, 7 s Gay
Sandford Eveline, 65 Hollins
Sandle Albert, cabinet maker, 37 Park
Sandier George W., cooper, 22 Sterrett
Sandon Meyer, pedlar, 215 s Bond
Sands Jane W., 51 Granby
Sands John, machinist, 132 Boyd
Sands John, blacksmith, 226 Oregon
Sands Richard, 65 s Eutaw
Sands Samuel, 244 n Eutaw
Sands Sarah H., 24 Neighbor
Sands George W., merchant tailor, 294 w Pratt,
h Pearl
Sands Dr. William, 507 w Fayette
Sandy Samuel A., ornamental card engraver
and copperplate printer, 4 n Calvert, h 195 n
Sane George, shoemaker, 226 Canton av
Saners John, sailor, 320 Canton avenue
Sanford Capt. John L., 240 n Eutaw
Sanford Abm., 105 Biddle
Sanford Catherine, 30 East

293 SAU

Sang John, laborer, 14 Chapel
Sang Sophia, 118 Henrietta
Sangston Catharine, 23 s Eutaw
Sangston (Geo. E.) & Co., importers and whole-
sale dry goods merchants, 251 Baltimore
Sangston Mrs. E. A., board, house, 28 Hanover
Sangston George E., (S. & Co.,) 24 Cathedral
Sangston Lawrence (S. & Co., h 114 Park
Saugston Wm., dry goods dealer, Baltimore, h
127 s Paca
Sank Joseph H., blacksmith, 104 Hillen, h 55
Sank Nicholas, collector, 72 n Eutaw
Sank Rachel, milliner, 72 n Eutaw
Sank Corbin, wood dealer, 23 Henrietta
Sank Corbin A., carpenter, 41 Hill
Sank John W., bricklayer, 471 Saratoga
Sanks Jesse, (S. & Riggins,) h 90 William
Sanks Miss Ruth Ann, straw and fancy milli-
ner, 47 Baltimore
Sanks Abner D., carpenter, 33 s Republican
Sanks (Jesse) & Riggins (Israel,) ship builder,
south side basin
Sanner George E., carpenter, 59 s Bond
Sanner John A., (S. & Johnson,) h 27 n Exeter
Sanner Capt. Josiah A., HO s High
Sanner Isaac S., pilot, 222 Eastern avenue
Sanner John F., clerk, 151 e Baltimore
Sanner James H., carpenter, 99 n Eden
Sanner (John A.) & Johnson (William,) car-
penters, 6 Exeter
Sanner Wolf, potter, 203 s Bond
Santmyer Louis A., plane maker, 150 Mulberry
Santmyer Mary, 2 St. Mary's court
Santree John, laborer, 135 North
Sapp John, cooper, 5 New
Sapp Jos. F., watchman copper works, Marriott
street, Locust Point
Sapp Joshua Oliver, cooper, 152 Orleans
Sapp Wm., bailiff in court house, 296 e Lombard
Sapp Jacob, boiler maker, 148 Orleans
Sapp Christopher, tav. keeper, 148 Light st. whf
Sapp James, painter, 21 McElderry
Sapperher Conrad, tailor, 17 Jew alley
Sappington Gerard, carpenter, 9 Jackson
Sappington Greenbury, 250 s Sharp
Sappington Dr. Richard, 349 n Gay
Sappington Dr. Thomas, 207 Franklin
Sapple Conrad, tailor, 82 Chapel
Sarbacher John, tailor, 162 Stirling
Sabaugh Jacob, machinist, 133 n Fremont
Sardoe Nathaniel, printer, 57 Hillen
Sargeant James, 44 e Lombard
Sargeant Mary, 80 Henrietta
Sargeant Rev. Samuel R., 235 n Eutaw
Sargent Rev, Thomas B., 107 Monument
Sarnoskey Francis, painter, 664 Balt
Sarr Ellen, dry goods dealer, 301 Franklin
Sarsfield Stephen, shoemaker, 75 s Charles, h
118 Saratoga
Sash Factory, (Carter & Price's) 11 Edward
Sasmanshausen John, cab. maker, 153 Conway
Satterfield John, tanner, 96 Madison
Satterfield Maria, boarding house, 16 s Calvert
Sauer George, carpenter, 159 Henrietta
Sauer George, tailor, Edward
Sauerberg & Nicolassen, importers and manu-
facturers of cigars, and fruit dealers and con-
fectioners, 301 Baltimore
Sauerhoof Henry, ship carpenter, 120 Hughes
Sauerhoff Jno. F., ship carpenter, 110 Hughes

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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1855-56
Volume 565, Page 297   View pdf image (33K)
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