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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1855-56
Volume 565, Page 296   View pdf image (33K)
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RUS 28

Rust Augustus, barber, 2 Pearl
Rust Aug , barber, 439 Baltimore
Rust Kilvun, shoemaker, 340 s Bond
Rust Michael, tailor, 121 Ross
Rust Peter, cooper, 296 s Dallas
Rutant Wm., cabinet maker, 204 w Fayette
Ruth Francis J., pile driver, 121 s Wolf
Ruth Jacob, cabinet maker, 256 e Pratt
Ruth John, bricklayer, 395 w Lombard
Ruth Joseph, tinner, 121 s Wolf
Rutherford Alex., 405 Saratoga
Rutherford Alex. S., watchman, 82 Granby
Rutherford John, painter, 129 n Fremont
Rutledge John, tailor, 18 Lloyd
Rutledge John, clerk, 206 Aisquith
Rutledge Joshua L., carpenter, 22 Holland
Rutledge Wm., butter depot, Center market, h
41 n Exeter
Rutledge Agnes J., 112 Dolphin
Rutledge (Joshua L.) & Co., carpenters, 113
Hillen, h J. R. 21 Holland
Rutt Richard, mathematical instrument maker,
30 Thames
Rutt William, 294 Alice Anna
Rutt Peter, furniture wagon, 275 Orleans
Rutta Josiah, cigar maker, 57 Ann
Rutter (Edward J.) & Bro. (Philip,) grocers,
253 e Baltimore
Rutter Edward, sail maker, 195 Lee
Rutter John, saoemaker, 23 Bevan alley
Rutter John H., carpenter, 144 Hollins
Rutter Joseph H. J., ship carpenter, 85 s Bond
Rutter Ralph, silversmith, 243 e Baltimore
Rutter Samuel, tailor, 249 w Fayette
Rutter Thos. G., sect. Fire Ins. Co., 16 e Fayette
Rutter Fred'k, laborer, Cooksey st. Locut Point
Rutter Thomas B., cash. Farmers' and Planters'
Bank, South
Rutz Henry J., gro. and liq. dealer, 219 s Bond
Rutz Martin, mariner, 106 Lancaster
Ryan Cornelius, gro. & liq. dealer, 156 n Front
Ryan Ellen, 57 Mulberry
Ryan Francis, chandler, 8 Hillen
Ryan George, shoemaker, 692 w Baltimore
Ryan Hugh, tavern keeper, 115 William
Ryan Cornelius, 80 e Lombard
Ryan Edward, 72 Hamburg
Ryan Ann, 231 Chase
Ryan Anthony, laborer, 11 Cuba
Ryan Edward, laborer, 364 n Howard
Ryan Henry, tailor, 72 Vine
Ryan James, laborer, 25 Addison
Ryan James, shoemaker, 267 Durham
Ryan James, drayman, 103 s Charles
Ryan James, laborer, 2 Herring row
Ryan James, drayman, 82 Richmond
Ryan John, laborer, 10 Vine
Ryan John, tavern keeper, 98 s Charles
Ryan Michael, carter, 229 Ross
Ryan Patrick, grocer, 247 Eager
Ryan Philip, tailor, 86 e Lombard
Ryan Susan, 69 Monument
Ryan Thomas, laborer, 53 President
Ryan Wm. J., clock & pump maker, 126 Canal
Ryan Wm. H.. (Hull & Co.,) 3 Franklin square
Ryan Joanna, 33 Center market
Ryan Jerry, wagoner, 5 French
Ryan John, agent, 234 e Pratt
Ryan John, laborer, 500 w Pratt
Ryan Michael, drayman, 97 s Charles
Ryan Thomas, laborer, 55 William

292 SAL

Ryan Thomas, laborer, 113 Grundy
Ryan Thomas, laborer, 38 Rose
Ryan William J., block and pump maker, 6
Barre, h 126 Eden
Rydel Aaron, furniture dealer, 83 e Fayette
Ryder Albert, bricklayer, 548 Pennsylvania av
Ryder Francis, shoemaker, 17 Clay
Ryder Rosanna, tavern, 339 s Bond
Ryle Peter, tailor, 105 Ross
Ryne William, 34 Harford avenue
Rynehart George, carpenter, 1 Raborg
Ryninger Wm. H., oil cloth dealer, 521 n Gay
Rytser Matthew, shoemaker, 34 n Liberty
SABEL GEORGE F., bricklayer, 170 Bank
Sache Joseph, cabinet maker, 34 s Spring
Sachevman Lewis, gro. & liq. deal., 159 s Wolf
Sachs John, cabinet msker, 132 Chesnut
Sachse (Edw.) & Co., lithographers, 3 n Liberty
Sackland August, engineer, 25 Bevan al
Sackman Henry, shoemaker, 43 Portland
Sackman Frederick, machinist, 43 Portland
Sackeman Sophy, grocer, 44 Holland
Sackmont P., shoemaker, 83 n Canal
Sacks Charles, 221 Bethel
Sackse Theo., 196 Montgomery
Sadelback Henry, laborer, 201 s Bond
Sadler Capt. Henry, mariner, 30 York av
Sadler Joseph, blacksmith, 73 York
Sadler William. 93 Biddle
Sadler George, tobacconist, 195 s Charles
Sadler Mary, 66 York
Sadler Michael, tailor, 75 Sarah Ann
Sadler Wm. H., fire'n on railroad, 38 Lemon
Sadling John, tailor, 38 n Frederick
Sadtler George T., (P. B. S. & Son,) 273 Madison
Sadtler John P., (P. B. S. & Son,) 74 Park
Sadtler Philip B. senr., (P. B. S. & Son,) 91
SADTLER (Philip B.) & SON (George F.,)
watchmakers and jewelers, opticians, &c.,
212 w Baltimore
Saenger George, 742 Baltimore
Safer Frederick, grocer and liquor dealer, 254
Alice Anna
Saffin George, cabinet maker, 93 Peirce
Saffron Jacob, tinner. 101 Peirce
Sagarar William, rigger, 305 Canton
Sagle Thos.JW., fireman on railroad, 130 Eislen
Sags Philip, pedlar, 20 Watson
Sahm Charles, blacksmith, 316 Mulberry
Sailaring Adam, sailor, 51 Spring
Sailhost Caspar, tanner, 55 Gough
Silinger Nicholas, tanner, 130 s Eden
Sailor John, carpet weaver, 9 n Front
Saint Mary's College, St. Mary's ct, n of Pa. av
Saint Peter's School and Charity Asylum, 46
Saint Victor Amelia, 12 Water
Saks Wm., dry goods dealer, 70 s Paca
Salaray John, gardener, n of 274 York av
Saleman John, shoemaker, 48 Chatsworth
Sales Henry, wagoner, 61 Bank
Salgee John, prof, chemist, 104 William
Salie Powel, 225 Bethel
Salisbury Andrew, clerk, 130 s Canal
Salisbury Edward H., 47 Fawn
Salley Hugh, watchman, 96 French
Salmon Warren L., clerk, 1 L. Paca
Salmon Edward W., attorney, 12 Courtland
Salmon Anth , of. Wilm. railroad, 291 Light
Salmon Mary, 285 Franklin

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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1855-56
Volume 565, Page 296   View pdf image (33K)
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