Wholesale and Retail,
Cor. Lombard & Albemarle Streets,
Keeps constantly on hand and makes to order
Upholstering done at short notice and
on reasonable terms.
Rudolph Martin L., engineer, 406 s Charles
Rueckert Philip, piano maker, 172 East
Ruedinger Edward, furn. wag., 268 Alice Anna
Rueley, Peregrine, keep. Logan Hall, 156 s Bond
Ruffer Lawrence, huckster, 26 Shakspeare
Rug Richard H., 147 e Baltimore
Ruhl Abel, furn. wagoner, 72 n Poppleton
Ruhl George, tailor, 27 Hampstead
Ruhl John, tailor, 82 Orleans
Ruhn James, lithographer, 346 Ensor
Ruhter Ludw., tobacco., Poppleton, h 127 Barre
Rukarp Michael, carpenter, 114 Sarah Ann
Rukert George, shoemaker, 437 w Pratt
Ruley Elizabeth, boarding house, 162 William
Ruley Henry P., watchman, 154 Bank
Ruley Pickering, Chester, s of Gough
Ruley Thomas, huckster, 356 Eastern avenue
Ruley Samuel, painter, 128 Washington
Rullman Charles, baker, 105 n Canal
Rullman Wigand, pr. Washington Hall hotel, 5
e Baltimore
Rumberger Sebastian, 186 Alice Anna
Rumick Jacob, 130 Canton avenue
Rumm Nicholas, plasterer, 267 s Sharp
Rumney Robert, engineer, 139 Conway
Runburg Banard, harness maker, 245 Eager
Rundance Louisa, 82 North
Rundel John, watchman, 72 Hill
Rundle Joseph, butcher, 64 William
Rundlel Joseph, provision dealer, 292 Light
Rumff Abraham, pedlar, 146 s Eutaw
Runidar John A., laborer, 151 Johnson
Runstron John, 195 Washington
Runt Michael, shoemaker, 128 s Dallas
Rupert E., engineer, Burke st, Canton
Rupert Joseph, 264 Hanover
Rupley A., (dec'd) pr. Western hotel, cor Pratt
and Carey
Rupp Charles, grocer, 182 Pearl
Rupp George, painter, 18 George
Rupp George, brushmaker, 7 Williams
Rupp Jacob, carpenter, 68 St. Mary
Rupp Jacob, plasterer, 353 Franklin
Rupp John, tailor, 274 Alice Anna
Rupp William, Clinton st, n of Boston
Rupp Henry, baker, 17 Pine
291 RUS
Ruppel Henry, carpet weaver, 294 Light
Ruppel Henry, shoemaker, 269 n Howard
Ruppel John, currier, 67 Harrison
Ruppel John, carpet weaver, 140 s Eden, h 138
Ruppert Elizabeth, 133 Orleans
Ruppert Joseph, tav. keep., 215 Eastern avenue
Ruppert Joseph, cooper, 194 Eastern avenue
Rush Jacob, paper stainer, 160 Pine
Rush Joseph, paper hanger, 348 Penn. av
Rush Joseph, paver, 169 Pine
Rush John, laborer, n of 274 York av
Rush William, machinist, 101 West
Rush Philip, porter, 49 s Paca
Rush Frederick, 347 s Charles
Rush George, shoemaker. 16 French
Rushing Barney, clerk, 36 n Bond
Rushrauff Jacob, clerk, 85 n Poppleton
Rusk Abm., butcher, 51 Eager
Rusk John, butcher, 85 York av., proprietor
packing and ice house 73 York av
Rusk Lemuel J., butcher, 361 e Baltimore
Rusk Robert, butcher, 47 Jackson
Rusk Thomas, butcher, 394 Harford av
Rusk William, 180 e Fayette
Rusk Jacob, tailor, 65 s High
Rusk Mary, 236 e Fayette
Ruskell John, tavern keeper, 9 n Frederick
RUSKELL THOMAS, prop. Fountain stables,
90 Fayette, h 3 Front
Russ John, tailor, 256 Ensor
Russell Alex., jr., (Burns & R.,) 28 Columbia
Russell Benjamin, shoemaker, 206 w Pratt
Russell Christopher, laborer, 27 Armistead lane
Russell Eugene J. T., apothecary, 216 s Ana
Russell George, blacksmith, 312 Harford av
Russell George, shoemaker, 222 n Howard
Russell Henry J., dancing master, 550 w Balt
Russell James, brass founder, 132 Thames, h
134 s Broadway
Russell James, cooper, 141 West
Russell John, carpenter, 104 York av
Russell John, carpenter, 181 Cathedral
Russell John, tailor, 78 Harford av
Russell Jno., furnishing warehouse, 54 s Charles
Russell John, hardware merchant, 102 Franklin
Russell Mary A., grocer, 150 Garden
Russell Mary, 34 Union
Russell Patrick, grocer, 98 Holliday
Russell Richard B., carpenter, 162 Fremont
Russell Robert, carter, 319 e Monument
Russell Ann, 39 Harmony lane
Russell Harvey H., brickmaker, 186 William
Russell John, gro. & liq. dealer, 168 n Fremont
Russell John, laborer, 20 East
Russell Luthana, 332 n Howard
Russell Michael, carpenter, 452 Lexington
Russell Pat'k, grocer, 89 Britton st. or Hf'd av
Russell Samuel, grocer, 431 w Pratt
Russell Thomas, shoemaker, 244 e Baltimore
Russell Thomas, hotel keeper, 159 w Madison
Russell Thomas, pilot, Chester s of Bank
RUSSELL (John A.) & CO., commission mer-
chants, 5 Commerce
Russell William. 72 Morris alley
Russell (Wm.) & Burt (Thos.,) mineral water
manufacturers and bottlers of porter, &c., 22
Light, h W. R. 111 n Calvert
Russell Wm. J.. tin plate worker, 14 Thompson
Rust Levi, bricklayer, 264 w Lombard
Rust Peter N., 310 w Fayette
Rust Samuel, shoemaker, 46 Ensor