In 1792, an accession to the population, was made by the arrival of refugees who had
Escaped from the massacre at Hispaniola,
In 1796, the town having advanced to a high station as a political community, was
erected into the City of Baltimore, and the corporation is known as the "Mayor and City
ouncil of Baltimore." James Calhoun was the first Mayor under the new organization.
Perhaps no City in the Union presents more inducements for settlement than Balti-
more; the facility for trade and manufacture, which it offers; the beauty of its situation,
and its proverbial salubrity, all conspire to render it desirable as a place of business and
abode. As laid out, the city includes four miles square, but the part which is compactly
built does not exceed about two miles square. The streets are regularly laid out, and
generally cross each other at right angles. They are, with few exceptions, of ample width.
Baltimore or Market street is the principal street for the retail trade, and is 86 feet wide.
Other streets range from 50 to 100 feet in width. The. most fashionable residences are
in the neighborhood of the Washington Monument, and on Charles, Franklin and Madi-
son streets.
The population of Baltimore his rapidly increased; in 1790, it was 13,503; in 1800,
it was 26,514; in 1810. 35,588, in 1820, 62,738; in 1830, 80,625; in 1840, 102,313, of
whom, 21,166 were colored; 17,967 free, 3,199 slaves; in 1850, 169,054, of whom 140,666
were whites, 28,388 colored, 25,442 free, and 2 946 slaves. Of the free inhabitants,
130,491 were born in the United States, and 35,617 in foreign countries,
Education has always attracted much attention in Baltimore, and the number and
excellence of her literary institutions afford ample facilities for the mental improvement of
the rising generation.
In 1791 St. Mary's College was established, and in 1803 the charter of Baltimore
College was obtained. In 1809 Drs. Davulge, Shaw &. Cocke, were authorised to raise
funds, by lottery, to erect buildings for the Medical College, which had been opened in
1800, The College in Lombard street, was commenced the same year, and completed
in 1812. Robert Gary Long, was the architect. Subsequently the Medical School and
Baltimore College were united, and raised to the rank of a University, known as the Uni-
versity of Maryland. The Academical Department, and the School of Medicine alone
have been put into operation. The latter has always ranked among the best Medical
Institutions of the country.
The Washington University was founded in 1828, the Medical School is the only
one that has been organised. The Newton University was established in 1845; and the
Faculty of Arts organized. In 1849, the Baltimore Female College, in St. Paul street,
an institution for the liberal education of young ladies, was chartered by the State of Ma-
ryland. Its course of study and arrangement of classes are similar to those of Colleges
for gentlemen. The Convent of the Visitation, in Park street, and the Carmelite Nun-
nery, also have large schools attached to them. Besides these, are many private Semina-
ries of a high order. In 1829, the first public school was opened, and now there are for-
ty-one schools, with nine thousand eighty-one pupils, The Central High School for Males,