to elect delegates to the Assembly, as representatives from the town." We have in this
act the beginning of that jealousy of Baltimore, which has always manifested itself in
the legislation of the State.
In 1752, Baltimore contained twenty-five houses, and about two hundred inhabitants,
after a lapse of twenty-three years. A drawing of the town was made at this time by Mr.
John Moale, a son of him who had opposed the location of the town upon his grounds;
and this primitive sketch is still preserved in the rooms of the Historical Society of Bal-
In 1756, the "neutral French" deprived of their property in Nova Scotia by the
British, at the close of the French war took refuge in Baltimore, and were kindly received.
They established themselves in rude cabins on south Charles street.
In 1767, Baltimore became the county town, and the courts and records were accord-
ingly removed from Joppa, which had, before that time been the seat of justice. In 1769,
provision was made for the erection of a court house and prison. The former was located
on the site of the Battle Monument, and continued till 1808; the latter was on Jones's
Falls near St. Paul's lane, and stood till the present jail was erected in 1800.
In 1769, the Mechanical Fire Company was organised, and purchased an engine for
$250. This was the germ of our extended Fire Department. In 1773, Mr. William
Goddard commenced the first newspaper in Baltimore—The Maryland Journal and Bal-
timore Advertiser." A line of packets and stages to and from Philadelphia, was this year
established. A theatre also was erected on Albemarle street.
In 1775, Baltimore contained 564 houses, and 5,934 inhabitants. "The Maryland
Gazette" was established this year, by Mr. John Dunlap. Forced to flee from Philadel-
phia in consequence of its possession by the British, Congress removed to Baltimore in
December, 1776. and assembled in Mr. Jacob File's building on the south-east corner of
Baltimore and Liberty streets,
In 1780, a custom house was opened in Baltimore; before that period, Annapolis
was the place where registers and clearances were obtained. Thomas Sellers was the
naval officer.
The old Market House near the corner of Market and Gay streets being found in-
sufficient for the wants of the community, it was proposed in 1784 to erect a new and
larger one, but as they could not agree upon a location that would suit the different views
of the inhabitants, it was finally agreed to erect three different houses, the Hanover Mar-
ket House, the Central or Marsh Market, and the Fells's Point Market. The same year,
the streets were lighted, and three constables and fourteen watchmen appointed for the
security of the city.
After the close of the war, the trade and commerce of the city increased rapidly,
and required increased facilities of communication; and the establishment of lines of
packets and siages followed soon after. In 1787, turnpikes to Washington, Frederick
and Reistertovvn were authorised, which were not completed, however, till 1809.
In 1789, a new channel for the Falls was cut, from Bath street to Gay street bridge,
and the old course which had run along by the site of the present Court house, was filled up.