and the Eastern and Western Female High Schools afford the means of a liberal educa-
tion to pupils who have passed through the lower Public Schools.
From her beautiful Monuments, to the memory of the illustrious dead of our country,
Baltimore has received the name of the "Monumental City." In 1809, permission was
obtained from the Legislature of the State to raise $100,000 to erect a monument to Gen-
eral Washington, It was erected at the intersection of Charles and Monument streets, on
a lot given for the purpose by Col. John E. Howard. It is a beautiful Doric column
rising from a base fifty feet square, and thirty-five feet high. The shaft of the column is
one hundred and sixty feet high, and is surmounted by a colossal stature of Washington,
fifteen feet high, making the entire height one hundred and eighty feet. Inscriptions upon
the base indicate the date of the important events, in the-life of the Father of his Country,
The Battle Monument, in the centre of Monument Square, formed by the intersection of
Calvert and Fayette streets, was erected to the memory of the citizens who fell in the de-
fence of the city on the 12th and 13th of September, 1814. It is built of white marble,
and consists of a square base, with a pedestal ornamented at the four corners with a sculp-
tured griffin. A facial column rises from the centre, with bands, upon which are inscrib-
ed the names of those who fell in defending the city. A statue, representing the Genius
of Baltimore, with a laurel crown in her right hand, and her left leaning on an ancient
helm, surmounts the column. The entire height of the Monument is 52 1/2 feet. It was
executed by Capellano, an Italian. A third, but much smaller Monument, stands in the
enclosure of the City Spring, in Calvert street. It was erected to the memory of Colonel
George Armistead, the gallant defender of Fort McHenry, in 1814.
Shortly after the war, considerable inconvenience was experienced from the want of
some institution of discount and deposit, which led to the establishment of the bank of
Maryland, in 1790. In 1792, a branch of the U. S. bank was located in Baltimore. In
1793, the bank of Baltimore was chartered; in 1801 the Union Bank of Maryland; in
1806 the Mechanics' bank; and in 1810, the Franklin, Marine, Farmers and Merchants,
and the Commercial and Farmers. The other banking institutions were chartered within
the years 1824, '35 and '36. The Savings' bank of Baltimore was commenced in 1817,
and incorporated some years after.
In 1813, the first steamboat, called the Chesapeake, was put on the line to Philadel-
phia, via French Town, since which time they have multiplied, until they now ply the
bay and all the considerable rivers of Maryland. On the 4th of July, 1838, the venera-
ble Charles Carroll laid the corner-stone of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. On the 8th
of August, 1829, the corner-stone of the Baltimore and Susquehauna Railroad was laid, on
the occasion of a centennial celebration of the settlement of the city. In 1833, a meet-
ing of congratulation was held on account of aid granted by the legislature to the Chesa-
peake and Ohio Canal, and the Susquehanna Railroad. The passage of the bill for the
Tide-Water Canal by the legislature of Pennsylvania caused like rejoicing in Baltimore.
In 1836, the railroad to Philadelphia was projected, and sometime after a railroad to An-
napolis, connecting with the Washington branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.