Bell's between Ann and Fell streets
Bowly's, South and Bowly st, s of Pratt
Buchanan's, fm Pratt st to basin, foot of Frederick st
Burke's, between Broadway and Ann streets
Canal st, east and west from Broadway to city dock
Chase's, foot of Thames street
City wharf, city dock, w of Caroline street
Cordery's, betw Eastern av and Thames, s of city
County wharf, foot of Broadway
Craig & Barron's, betw Thames and Lancaster sts.
Custis's, bet Lancaster and Alice Anna streets
Despaux's, bet Point and Wills st, east of Philpot
Donnell's, between Ann and Fell streets
Dugan's, fm Pratt st to the basin, w side, s of C. mkt
Gibson's, between Ann and Fell streets
Government, foot of Bond street
Grieves' s, foot of Broadway
Howett's, between Broadway and Ann street
Jackson's, between Thames and Bond
Kerr's, between Bond street andBroadway
Lee street wharf, from Light to Johnson street
Light street wharf, fm Pratt to Lee street
Market wharf, lower end Broadway
McClure's dock, betw Commerce and South street
McElderry's, fm Pratt st to the basin, e side C. mar-
Mezick's, between Broadway and Ann st [ket
O'Donnel's, fm Pratt st to the basin, foot of Fred'k st
Patterson's, fm Block to Point st, below City Dock
Pratt street wharf, from Light st to Bowly st.
Price's, bet. Ann & Fell sts, and bet Fell and Thames
Public, foot of Wills st, and s of City Dock
Ramsay's, between Thames and Bond streets
Sheppard's, bet Bond st and Broadway
Spear's, fm Pratt st to the basin, w side of Gay
Smith's, fm Pratt st to the basin, e side of Gay st
Union, from Eastern avenue to the basin
Waters's, between Fell and Thames streets
Wills street wharf, lower end of Wills street
Wilson's Philpot street.