Tessier, fm Biddle to St. Mary's n of Penn av
Thames, fm Philpot to n w branch, s of Lancaster
Third, from Cross to Randall, F. Hill.
Thompson, fm w b liue to Fremont, enters Fremont
near George
Thompsons al, fm Fremont to Parkin, n of Lombard
Thompsen, fm Forrest to Aisquith, n of Orleans
Toone, fm n w b to e b line, Canton
Townsend, f m n w b line to eb line, n of Franklin
Towson, fm Patap. river ton w br, nearpowderhouse
Trenton, fm Amity al to Schroeder st n of Pratt
Trinity, fm Albemarle to Exeter, n of Eastern av
Tripoletts al, fm Baltimore to Second, w of Gay
Truxton, fm the falls to Forrest, n of Penitentiary
Tyson, fm Saratoga to Richmond, e of Howard
Tyson al, fm Howard to Cathedral, n of Richmond
Uhler's al, fm Hanover to Charles, n of Pratt
Union, fm Penn av to Ross, bet Biddle and Preston
Union al, fm Canal to Dallas, n of Fayette
Upion, fm w Townsend to Adams, e of Fremont
Valery, fm Harford av. to n b line, w of Ensor st
Vincent al, fm Pressbury to Sullivan, w suburbs
Vine, fm Fremont to Run al, n of Fayette
Waeshe, fm Saratoga to Lexington, e of Fremont
Wagon al, fm Howard to Eutaw, n of Lexington
Walker, fm Bond to Broadway, btw McElderry and
Wallace, fm Patap. riv to n w branch, near the fort
Walnut al, fm Pear al to Ro$s st [Penn av.
Walsh, fm Moylon to Biddle, betw Chatsworth and
Warner, fm middle branch to Columbia st
Warren, fm Light to nwb. Federal hill
Wariington, f m w b lineto James to s w limits
Washington, from Cross to Randall, btw William
and Johnson, Federal Hill
Washington, fm w b to n b line, 3 e of Broadway
Washington av, fm Pratt to Gwynn's falls,w Fremont
Washington square encloses Washington Monu-
ment, intersection of Charles and Monument
Water, fm South to Light, n of Lombard
Waterloo row, n Calvert st, near Mt. Vernon place
Watson, fm High to Canal, s. of Baltimore
Ways, fm Patap riv to n w b, s of Balt. near the fort
Webster, fm n w b to Patapsco riv, w of powderhouse
Welch al, s fm Lexington market, bet Eutaw & Paca
Welcome al, fm Warner to Light st wharf, n of Lee
Wells, fm middle branch to Lawrence, Ferry Point
West, fm Scott to n w branch, s of Cross
Whetstone, fm Lawrence to n w b, e of powderhouse
Whetstone point at Fort McHenry
Wicomico, fm Gwynn's falls to Scott
William, fm West to the basin, 1 e of Light
Williamson al, fm Hanover to Light, n of Hamburg
Wills, fm Dock to n w branch, s of city dock
Wilmer al, fm Chatsworth market to George betwn
Perm av and Walsh st.
Wilson, fm Penn av to John, 8 above Biddle
Winchester, fm w b line to Fremont, entering Fre-
mont above intersection with Chatsworth
Winder, fm mid, branch to Clagett, Ferry point
Wine, fm Charles to Light, s of Baltimore
Wolfe, f m n b line to Fell, 2 e of Broadway
Wolfe al, fm Perry to Conway, w of Howard
Wood, fm South to Bowly's wharf, s of Pratt st.
W»od al, fm Adams to. George, bet Fremont & Brune
Woodyear al, fm McDonough to w b, w of Fremont
Wooster, fm James to middle branch, 2 s w of Cross
Wyeth, fm Columbia to St. Peter, west of Scott
X al. fm Lee to Tork, bet Charles and Hanover
York, fm Eutaw to Light, bet Lee and Hill
York av, Monument to n b line, e of Peniten. now
Greenmonnt avenue
Young, fm Orleans to Thompsen, w of Aisquith