JOHN J GRAVES, Register.
ALEX. J. WHITE, Dep. Register.
G. P.. WOODWARD, Clerk to Register,
VAN KALKMAN, Sec'y to the Mayoralty.
1 — William Colion,
2— John W. Croney,
3— Wm. H. Shelle,
4_Malcolm W. Mearis,
5— Hugh Bolton,
6— John Bolgiano,
7— W. E. Beale,
8— W.H. H. Turner,
9 Geo. Reilly,
10— Andrew S. Ridgely,
11 — James H. Luckett,
12— John C. Blackburn,
13 — John A. Roche,
14— George P.Thomas,
15— John F.McUlton,
16— Saml. H.Grafton,
17— J.S. Brown, Pres't.
18— Luther Wilson,
19— D. Rayhice,
20 — —— Cumminskey,
1st and 2d Wards, John T. Farlow.
3d and 4th " James S Suter.
5th and 6th " J. W. Richardson,
7th and 8th " J. B. Seidenstiicker,
9ih and 10th " Moor N. Falls,
11th and 12th " Jabez M. Gill,
13th and 14th " Henry Webster,
15th and 16th " B. Albert Vickers,
17th and 18th " Chas.G. Griffith,
19th and 20th " John Stewart,
Joseph M. Peregoy, Clerk; M.F. Con way, A.Clerk;
John Kitts, Doorkeeper.
J. M. Griffith, Clerk; Elijah. R. Sinners, Doorkeeper.
City Counsellor— Benjamin C. Presstman.
City Collector— Charles Howard. Hook Keepers—
Wm. I. Eckel, Joseph Barling. Clerks, Benjamin
T. Boon, Wm. Bayly, Joseph Horner, John H.
Woodward, Chas. Flannagan, Thos. W. Bunting
John Galvin. Bailiffs, — Henry Snyder Jr. Wm.
F. Cox, Joseph V. Baxter, C. C. Dunn.
City Commissioner — James Peregoy
Assistant City Commissioner — John F. Hoss.
Commissioner of Finance — Joshua Vansant, Beale
H. Richardson.
City Auditor— Thomas O. Sellers.
City Directors in B. and O. R. R. Co. — Hugh A
Cooper, Thomas W. Hellen, Cyrus Gault, Jacob
G. Davies, Jas. A. Bruce, Wesley Starr, J. J
Turner, John Hoffman.
City Directors in B. and S. R. R. Co. — Charles B
Green, James Wilson.
Commissioners of ike Public Schools. — 1st Ward
James Essenrter, jr; 2d, Dr. Henry S. Hunt; 3d
Dr. John F. Monmonier; 4th, George Sanders
5th, Joshua Vansant. 6th, Samuel Kirk; 7th
Matthew McClintock; 8th, George P. Woodward,
9th, James H. Cox; 10th, William A. Talbott;
11th, Alexander B. Gordon; 12th, Beale H. Rich-
ardson; 13th. Dr. J. W. R. Dunbar; 14th, William
M. Stair; 15th, Dr. William G. Knowles; 10th,
Michael Toner; 17th, Israel Riggin; 18th, Charles
Waters; 19th, William Geo. Baker; 20th, Dr, J. C.
W. O'Neal;
Commissioners for Opening Streets — Anthony Mil-
tenberger, William Lightner, N. S. Harrison,
Edwin Thomas. Clerk.
City Physician— Dr. Milton N. Taylor.
Commissioner of Health — Dr. Chas. A,Lease.
Assistant Commissioner of Health — Dr. James C.
Physician to the Marine Hospital— Dr. William H.
Gratton .
Assessors of Tax— Henry Snyder. Henry Myers.
Judges of the Appeal Tax Court — Henry Snyder.
Henry Myers, Chailes Howard.