Pink Nicholas 61 n Exeter
Pinkney Frederick, attorney at law, 8 Court House
lane, dw 2rf Gran by
Pinkney Rebecca, 31 Pleasant
PINNER M. jeweler, 123 Broadway, corner Bank
st. See card
Piper Adam, laborer, 3 Harmony lane
Piper Henry, cigar maker, 186 s Durham
Piper Philip, beef and pork inspector, 80 George
Piper Wash, firm McMullin & P. dw Lexington
Pipino John, gunsmith, 16 Mercer
Fippino Jacob, gunsmith, 20 Ensor. See card
Piquet John, n w cor McHenry al and Pratt st
Pisard Lawrence, confectioner, 81 Albemarle
Pister John, shoemaker, Spring n of Gough
Pistol John N. grocer, Cross e of Hanover
Pitcher Margaret E. Baltimore w of Carey
Pitcher Margaret. 111 Vine
Pitcher Thomas C. 49 Columbia
Pitman George W. printer, 112 Conway
Pitrer Frederick, tobacconist, 191 1/2 e Pratt
Pitruff John, tailor, 91 Mtillikin
PITT CHARLES F. commission merchant, 12
Commerce, dw 48 Conway
Pitt John C. grocer, 20 e Baltimore
Pitt Mrs. 100s Exeter
Pitt Thomas J, apothecary and druggist, s e corner
Pratt and High
Pitt Thomas, shoemaker, Lombard e of Ann
Pitt Wm. iron finisher, 16 Oregon
Pittinger Sarah A. Eastern av e of Washington st
Pittinger Wm. clerk, 164 e Monument
PITTMAN EDWARD, stock and bill broker, &c
21 Suuth, dw 34 n Greene
Pitts Charles H. attorney at law, 33 w Fayette, dw
32 Franklin
Pins Mrs. 8 Maiden lane
Pitts Thomas G. inspector customs. 71 Franklin
Pizarro Jose Antonio, Spanish & Mexican Consul
3 Barnet
Placide Henry 3. oak cooper, 72 Buchanan's wharf
dw 155 Caroline
Placide Matthew, contractor, 11 s Exeter
Plack George & George Berger, bakers, 759 Balt
Plack Henry, baker, 137 Fremont
Plack Lewis, baker, s w cor Sharp and Henrietta
Plack Lewis, rag and iron dealer, 65 Harrison
Plantholt Frederick, laborer, 233 Forrest
Planz Philip, tailor, 116 Canton av
Plater Nicholas, glass manuf. Covington s Hughes
Platern Frederick, mariner, 212 s Ann
Plato Charles, collector, 115 e Lombard
Platt John, machinist, 236 e Fayette
Platt John, porter in flour store, Canal s Lombard
Platt John, butcher, 45 s Paca
Platt Wm. saddler, & s Calvert, dw 13 e Monument
Platt Levi, grocer, 119 Canton av
Pleasants Elizabeth. 22 Cathedral
Pleasants John P. & Sons, tobacco dealers, s w cor
South and Guilford
PLEASANTS J. H. commission merchant, 8 Ex-
change buildings, dw 39 Courtland
Pletsch Lewis, laborer, s w cor Poppleton & Hollins
Plimline Andrew, blacksmith, 5 China al
Plitt Charles, baker, 238 s Charles
Plitt Emanuel, grocer, Fremont s of Paca
Plitt Henry, laborer, 319 s Charles
Plitt J. C. baker, 211 Light
Plowman Daniel, machinist, 36 Constitution
Plowman Eliza, matron Baltimore Orphan Asylum,
31 Mulberry
Plowman James, carpenter, 344 Franklin
Plowman James, carpenter, 391 w Lombard
Plowman James T. carpenter, 42 George
Plowman Richard, butcher, 227 n Eden
Pluck Henry, carter, 208 s Caroline
Plumhoff Henry, baker, 242 Alice Anna
Plummer A. clothier, n w cor Hill and Charles
Plummer Harman, laborer, Henrietta w Howard
Plummer Jarret, cigar maker, 155 e Balt
Plummer John F. watchmaker ami jeweller, 91
Gay dw 90 Aisquith
Plummer Richard & Co. imps. & deals in hardware
336 Balt dw R. P. 272 Lexington
Plummer Robert, machinist, 70 Henrietta
Plummer Samuel, painter, 198s Charles
PLUMMER THOS. S. commission merchant, and
boots, shoes &c dealer, 308 Baltimore
Plummer Rev. Dr. W. S., D. D. past. Presbyterian
church cor Franklin and Cathedral, dw 113 Mon-
Plumoff Henry F. cigar box maker, 76 Tyson
Plunket Jas. clerk, 63 Baltimore
Plyman John, birber, 173 Sharp
Pochon Chs. F. 123 Saratoga
Pocock Chas. E. ship carpenter, 187 Washington
Poe Nelson, attorney, 2 Law buildings, St. Paul st
dw 59 Hollins
Pohl Frederick, shoemaker, 33 May
Pohl Henry, grocer, 63 Lancaster
Pohlman Daniel, jeweller, 1 Scott
s Poindexter Henry, drt goods dealer, 47 e Pratt
Poisal Rev. John, 76 Columbia st
Poist Jerome, butcher, D extr. Fremont, w side