Polack Magnes, dyer, 194 Canton av
Polack Mark S. pedlar, 61 s Spring
Poland Jenkins & Co. hide, leather and oil dealers,
12 Water
Police Office (Central) John Mitchell, high consta-
ble, s e cor Saratoga and Holiday
Politzer Doris, 68 n Gay
Politzer, Ignatius, tailor, 68 n Gay
Polk David, bricklayer, 68 McElderry
Polk John M. 12 Madison
Polk Dr. John C. 56 n Greene, office and dw ———
Polk John P. chemist and druggist, s e cor St. Paul
and Favette, dw 91 n Paca
Polk Wm. huckster, 39 n Poppleton
Pollach Abraham, mattress maker, 96 n Howard
Pollak Moses, clothier, 50 C. market, dw Harrison
Pollar E. shoemaker, 45 Marion
POLLARD, BYRD &. CO. agents for American
manufacturers and importers of foreign dry goods,
271 Baltimore
Pollard David, 233 n Eden
Pollard Jackson, 189 Madison
Pollard Patrick, market dealer, 151 w Fayette
Pollard Seth, painter, 36 Granby
Polley Elizabeth, boarding house, 72 s Charles
Pollitt Alfred H.48 s Spring
POLLITT EDWARD D. firm P. & Glass, 80 High
Polliit Mrs. Elizabeth, boarding house, 17 n Calvert
Politt & Glass, carpenters, 35 Commerce
Pollock H. 2d hand goods dealer, 13 Second
POLLOCK HENRY, daguerian rooms, 155 Balt
Pollock Jos. & Son, dry goods and trimmings deal-
ers, 177 n Gay
Pollock Mark, clothier, 16 Harrison
Pollock Nathaniel H. printer, 22 Chatsworth
Polly Thomas, silvernlater, 7 Etna lane
Polman Gerhard H Fountain st w Castle al
Polster Ferdinand, piano maker, 185 German
Polton Susan, 85 Columbia
Poncia Anthony, statuary and moulder, 4 1/2 Gay
Pontier Edward, 4 n High
Pool Eli, carpenter, Sterret s of McHenry
Pool Franklin, rigger, Washington n of Pleasant
Pool Geo. T. umbrella maker, 260 w Pratt and 450
w Balt
Pool James tailor, 31 Jackson
Pool Robert, firm P. & Hunt, dw 147 n Front
Pool Ruth, dress maker, 80 s Eutaw
Poole Hannah, 23 Pleasant
POOLE & HUNT, steam engine manufacturers,
Union Works North, opposite Rail Road depot.
See advertisement.
POOLE JAS. & SON, brass founders, &c. French
lane, e of Charles st dw J. P. 378 s Charles
Poole Robert, firm P. & Hunt, dw 147 Front
Poor John H. auctioneer, 75 Franklin
Poor Wm. A. firm Hunt & Poor, 75 Franklin
POPE FRANKLIN F. general commission mer-
chant, 81 Bowly's wharf, dw 99 n High st
Pope Folger, dw 129 n Gay
Pope George, brush maker, 16 Constitution
Pope Gillis, 146 w Fayette
Pope Henry, carpenter, Canton av e Chester st
Pope Jacob F. basket maker, Pearl cor Raborg
Pope John H. tailor, 129 Raborg
Pope Joseph, shoemaker, 75 Mulberry cor State
Pope Joseph, shoemaker, 78 n Eutaw
Pope Lawrence, tailor, 110 Light st wharf
Pope Randolph, chair maker, 152 n Canal
Popendich Geo. butcher, Fayette st e of Broadway
Popp Christ, keeper of cows, 68 s Eutaw
Popp Geo. W. cigar maker, 52 Mulberry
Popplein Geo. & Nich. P. prop. chem. works, Cress
e of Covinglon, dw G. P. 145 Saratoga
Popplein Nich. firm P. & Thompsen, druggist, dw
Madison av
Popplein & Thomsen, imp. drugs, chemicals & dye
stuffs, 184 Balt
Porchk John, C3 n Gay
Porkam Herman, laborer, Eden n of Fleet
Porsinger George, tavern keeper, 12 President
Porteous, David, blacksmith, 49 Montgomery
Porter Catherine, 156 Aisquith
Porter Chas. china, glass and queensware mt. 6
Hanover, dw 4 s Greene
Porter Elizabeth, n w cor Pine and Peirce
Porter Elizabeth, 328 n Gay
PORTER & FAHNESTOCK, manuf. shovels,
spades, hoes. &c. Lombard 3d door e of Hanover
PORTER GEO. U. sup. Exchange Reading Rooms
and publ. Com. Jour. & Price Current, dw 112
Porter Hannah, 26 Granby
Porter H'y, firm P. & Fahnestock, dw 100 Albem.
Porter Hugh, stone cutter, Forest st opp. Market,
dw 326 n Gay
Porter Dr. John B. 677 w Balt
Porter James, dealer in millinery, 4 Hanover, dw
23 s Paca
Porter Jas. R. agent N.Y. tea Co. store 156 n Gay,
boards at 128 n Exeter
Porter John, jr. watchman, 228 Ann
Porter John W. market dealer, Harford road s of
Point lane