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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1853-54
Volume 564, Page 240   View pdf image
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Phillips Greenbury, tailor, 13 Lloyd
Phillips Harriet, 206 e Baltimore
Phillips Isaac, ship carpenter, 5 Hillen
Phillips J. R. hospital steward, Fort McHenry
Phillips James, laborer, 56 Richmond
Phillips James T. grocer, 173 e Monument
Phillips James, sail maker, 124 Orleans
Phillips Jane, nurse, 2 Paca place, court No. 2
Phillips John, laborer, Regester s Alice Anna
Phillips John, brickmaker, 53 s Greene
Phillips John, porter, 21 Mercer
Phillips Capt. John A. 106 n Eden
Phillips L. laborer, Regester s Alice Anna
Phillips Mali da, 129 Saratoga
Phillips Misses, shirt makers, 184 e Pratt
Phillips Peter, 240 Dallas
Phillips Rufus, of "transportation line,'' Spring s of
Phillips Cant. Samuel, mariner, 10 Lee
Phillips Samuel & Co. commission & shipping mer-
chants, 91 Bowly's wharf, dw S. P. 35 s Greene
Phillips Solomon H. brickmaker, 297 w Lombard
Phillips Thomas, locksmith and bell hanger, 131
Phillips Capt. Thomas, Canal st. n Eastern av
Phillips Thomas, rigger, Ann s of Pratt
Phillips Wm. B. broom factor, 80 Orleans
Phillips Wm. S looking glass manuf. 19 e Balt
Phillips Capt. Wm.91 e Pratt
Phillips Wm. B. ship joiner, 219 n Eden
Phillips Wm. 128 Canton av
Phillips Wm. M. pattern maker, 354 w Fayette
Phillipy Andrew, surgeon, 4 e Favetle
PHILOMATHIAN HALL, English. Classical
and Mathematical School, G. &W. J. Waterman,
principals, 69 w Fayette
Philpot John, attorney, 15 St. Paul
Philpot John, marble worker, 478 Lexington
Philpot Leonard, cletk, 187 East
Philpot Robert, Hudson st. Canton
Philpot Wrn. shoemaker, n w cor Fremont & Balt.
Phipps Ann. seamstress, 23 New
Phipps Edward F. cigar maker, rear I Sarah Ann
Phipps Wm. H. clerk, 42 Union
Phoebus Edwin, Sharp n of Henrietta
Phoenix Merer Co. Tausley. Slany & Rolling pro-
prietors, 2 Tripolett's al
Piccioli G. professor music, 152 Madison av
Pick Charles F. ivory turner and fancy store, 73 n
Pickell Col. John, presid't National Fire Insurance
Co. dw 199 Saratoga

Picker & Oilier, carpenters, Peirce 2 doors e Ogston
Pickering John, ship carpenter. Bank e of Wolf
Pickering John, sail maker, 215 s Ann
Pickering Wm. shoemaker, 232 Lexington
Picket Mary, seamstress, Dolphin bet Etting & Ross
Picket O. H. carpenter, 455 w Lombard
Pickett Capt. Jerome, mariner, 122 Gough
Pickett John H. sand paper maker, Dolphin betw
Elting and Ross, dw Ross n of Preston
Pickrell John F. firm Butts, P. & Co. 56 St. Paul
Pick Dr. Charles Henry, 14 n Eden
Pieper Jacob, tailor, Regester s of Baltimore
Pierce Elisha, machinist, 14 Jackson's ct
Pierce George W. police officer, 142 Franklin
Pierce George W. dealer, 206 n Eden
Pierce Isabella, 133 n High
Pierce Obed. machinist, Fawn w of Canal
Pierce Richard, cooper, 56 Camden
Pierce Stephen A. grocer, s w cor Canal & Lombard
Pierce Wm. T. printer, 340 n Gay
Pierce Wm. fisher, 15 Gran by
Piercy Jacob, chair painter, s w cor Willow st and
Harford av
Pierson Noah, boiler maker, Hudson st. Canton
Pierson Solomon, steamboat mate. 26 Hamburg
Pierson Thomas J. of steamboat, 85 Montgomery
Pierson Thomas, broker, 259 w Fayette
Pierson Wm. firm Hare, Pierson, Holliday & Co.
dw 277 Saratoga
Piet John B. firm John Murphy & Co. dw 92 Park
Pietch Otto, watch maker & jeweler, 167 Franklin
Pigett Daniel, grocer, 112 William
Piggot Dr. Aaron Snowden, Broadway n Pratt st
Piggot Dr. Austin, n w cor Monument & Howard
PIGGOT REV. ROBERT, Broadway n Pratt st
Pike Henry, office 21 s Calvert, dw 74 Saratoga
Pike Martin, mariner, Hampstead near Eden
Piles Wm plasterer, William near Hamburg
Pilkington George, machinist, 47 Eager
Pilkington & Schaeffer, tin and sheet iron workers,
92 n Gay. See card
Pilots' Office, s e cor Thames and Bond
Pilson John, pattern maker, 3 Hollins market
Pilson Samuel, pattern maker, 8 Oregon
Pindell Adi, wood dealer, 978 n Gay
Pindell James P. wood dealer, 86 Gough
Pindell Lewis, sext. Monument st burying ground,
280 n Gay
Pindell Richard P. comb and trunk maker, near 108
Pindell Thomas, wood dealer, 76 e Lombard
Pindle Joseph, plasterer, 94 Mullikin


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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1853-54
Volume 564, Page 240   View pdf image
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