otherwise, lands, tenements, goods, chattels, estates, and prop-
erty of any kind whatsoever, and the same again to grant, as-
sign, convey, alien or dispose of, provided that the clear year-
ly income of the real and personal estate and property of said
corporation shall not exceed the sum of Fifty Thousand Dol-
lars; and said corporation and its successors by that name
and title shall be able and capable to sue and be sued, com-
plain and defend in any Court of law or equity; also to make
and adopt a constitution and by-laws for its government and
amend the same at pleasure, and make, adopt and use a com-
mon seal.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the purpose for which said
corporation is formed is the raising, establishing, holding, man-
aging and dispensing of a fund for the relief and aid of the
Superannuated Ministers of the several conferences of the
Methodist Protestant Church within the bounds and connected
with the General Conference of said Church, their widows and
orphans, in accordance with such rules and regulations as. shall
from time to time be made and established by said corporation
in its by-laws.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That said corporation shall have
seven managers to be elected or appointed by the General Con-
ference of the Methodist Protestant Church at each Quadren-
nial Session thereof the manner of such election or appoint-
ment and the terms of office of said Managers to be determined
by said Conference by such rules and regulations as it may
adopt, provided, however, that until the next Quadrennial Ses-
sion of said conference the above-named Richard H. Brooks,
R. Ernest Games, Ivan J. Howland, George C. Sheppard, Col-
ver P. Ryan, Edward S. Van Leer, and Thomas A. Murray,
shall be and act as managers of said corporation; and provided
also, that in ease of any vacancy occurring in the interim be-
tween the Quadrennial Sessions of said Conference by the
death, resignation or otherwise of any manager, the remaining
managers may fill such vacancy in accordance with such rules
and regulations as may be adopted and established by this
Corporation in its by-laws.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That said corporation shall have
a President, Vice-President, Secretary and a Treasurer, to be
elected by the managers from their own members, as often as
they may see proper, and according to rules or by-laws by them