960 LAWS OF MARYLAND. [Cn. 426
states as have introduced new methods or substantial changes,
and shall ascertain the operation and effects thereof and par-
ticularly how far the same are satisfactory to the people of
such states and efficient in raising the revenue thereof.
SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the Commission to prepare a
report in printed form by December 1st, 1923, to the Governor
for his use and for transmission by him to the General Assem-
bly at the next session thereof, containing the draft of a gen-
eral system of law providing for the imposition and collection
of revenue charges and taxes in the State of Maryland, to-
gether with such explanation or comment as to them seems
SEC. 4. The Commission is authorized to appoint a Secre-
tary and to engage such experts and clerical or other assistants
as may be required. The Commission shall have authority to
summon and examine witnesses, to administer oaths thereto and
to require the production of books and papers. The Commis-
sion, or any duly authorized agent thereof, shall have access
to the assessment and revenue and accounting departments of
this State and any political sub-division thereof, and all public
officers shall supply all needed information on request.
SEC. 5. The expenses of said Commission shall be defrayed
out of such funds as may be provided for in the budget.
Approved April 13th, 1922.
AN ACT to incorporate "The General Fund for Superannu-
ates of the Methodist Protestant Church."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Richard H. Brooks, R. Ernest Games, Ivan J. How-
land, George C. Sheppard, Colver P. Ryan. Edward S. Van
Leer, .and Thomas A. Murray, and their successors duly ap-
pointed and elected in the manner hereinafter provided, be
and they are hereby made, declared and constituted a body
politic and corporate to have perpetual succession under and
by the name of "The General Fund for Superannuates of the
Methodist Protestant Church,'' and by that name, style and title
are hereby, made and declared capable in law to take, receive,
hold, possess and acquire by gift, devise, bequest, grant or