834 LAWS or MARYLAND. [CH. 382
said Sections 126B and 132B were enacted by Chapter 118 of
the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1920; and
as said Section 73 was re-enacted by Chapter 494 of the Acts
of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1918, be and the same
are hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments so as to
read as follows:
55. The certificates hereafter to be granted shall be:
1. A certificate in administration and supervision, valid
throughout the State for three years, renewable on evidence
of successful experience and professional spirit and required
of all county superintendents, may be issued to persons who
are graduates of a standard college or university, or who have
had the equivalent in scholastic preparation; who have com-
pleted in addition one graduate year's work in education at a
recognized university, including public school administration,
supervision, and method of teaching, or who have had the
equivalent in scholastic preparation, and who have had two
years' experience as a teacher.
2. A certificate in elementary school supervision, valid
throughout the State for three years, renewable on evidence
of successful experience and professional spirit, and required
of assistant superintendents and supervising teachers, may
be granted to persons who are graduates of a two years'
standard normal school, or who have had the equivalent in
scholastic preparation; who have completed in addition two
full academic years' work at a standard college or university,
not less than one-half of which has been in academic branches
related to the elementary school and the remaining one-half
in advanced elementary school methods and supervision, or
who have had the equivalent in scholastic preparation, and
who have had four years of teaching experience in elemen-
tary schools. Such a certificate may also be granted to per-
sons who are graduates of a four years' course of a standard
college or university, who have completed one full year's work
at a recognized college or university in education, including
elementary school methods and supervision, and who have had
four years' teaching experience in elementary schools. Pro-
vided, that a helping teacher's certificate in elementary school
subjects may be granted to persons whose academic and pro-
fessional training is not more than one year short of that
required for a certificate in elementary school supervision.
3. A certificate in supervision (special), valid throughout
the State for three years, renewable on evidence of successful